TU Dublin: CREATE Research Group Seminar

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Come along and hear about three Erasmus + Engineering Education Projects currently ongoing by CREATE researchers in TU Dublin.  Everyone welcome!
To register please complete the registration form to receive a Teams link: Registration Form

TRAINeng PDP – Training Engineers for Lifelong Learning through a Personal Development Process
Speaker: Dr Una Beagon 

This project aims to support students in their personal development process by providing resources for students and lecturers to meet three project objectives:


  • Engage and motivate engineering students in their personal development process;
  • Motivate and train lecturers to engage in the students’ personal development process;
  • Increase awareness about the competencies for LLL that are needed in engineering education & practice.


Engineers for Europe (E4E)  
Speaker: Dr Keith Sunderland


This project focuses on the acquisition of new competences, covering new knowledge, attitudes and leadership skills while focusing on digital, green, resilient and innovative entrepreneurship by bridging the gap bеtwееn education and industry, while operationalising ЕU competences frameworks (Dig Comp, LifeCam, Intercom) for engineers.

RUST Finance
Speaker: Dr Emma Robinson

The project looks to achieve three things: 

  • Design, develop, test and upscale a course on sustainable finance to prepare the future finance executives and engineers, design,  
  • Develop and upscale the educational support, including an ESG database for teaching and training purposes in Higher Education, but also for professionals and promote innovative pedagogies in Higher Education through different teaching modalities: transdisciplinary peer-teaching, virtual mobility and flipped Classroom.
  • Train students’ professional skills and increase their employability through practical case studies, mentored by financial industry representatives

For more information please contact: una.beagon@tudublin.ie All projects are Co-funded by the European Union.  

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