The ACED Annual Conference was held on 18-19 October 2012  at the Mary Rose Museum, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard


Session 1a – Attitudes to Assessment (Panel Session)
Educationalist view – Yaz El-Hakim, Winchester
Directorate view – Rebecca Bunting, Deputy VC, Portsmouth
Recent Graduate view – Cathy Nickell, HOP, Hove

Session 1b – Assessment Implementation
Encouraging a reduction in assessment – Mark Davison, Nottingham Trent
Formative assessment and engagement – Bob Lark, Cardiff
JBM Guidance on assessment – Dominic Fox, Portsmouth

Engineering Gateways – Deborah Seddon, Engineering Council
Further and work-based learning – Peter Theobald, Cardiff
Part-time undergraduate provision – Peter Mills, Wolverhampton

Session 3 – Realism in Project Work
Group work, industrial realism, technical realism – John Davies, Coventry
The student and graduate view – Peter Courtenay (Portsmouth Student),
Matthew Curtis (Portsmouth Graduate), Eleanor Fosberry (Southampton
Graduate), Deepu Prabhakaran (Portsmouth Graduate)

Session 4 – Interest Group Breakouts

Friday 19 October
Session 5 – Engineering Professors’ Council Update – Professor Simon Hodgson, Vice President EPC, Teesside

Session 6 – Transition From School
Why students fail – a social science perspective – Paul McVeigh, Portsmouth
Careers advice – Alan Bullock, Careers Consultant

Alan Bullock’s supporting documents:

The Monday Interview

Adviser Consensus

Statutory Careers Guidance for Schools
HE STEM Transition project findings – Christine Keenan, Bournemouth

Session 7 – Higher Apprenticeships
Construction Operations Management – Adrian Anderson, University Vocational Awards Council & Barbara Workman, Middlesex

Session 8 – International Study and Work Experience
International campuses and inward credit – John Owen, Nottingham
International work experience – Scott McCabe, Astrium


A joint ACED / ICE / IStructE Heads of Department meeting took place on Wednesday 2nd May 2007 at IStructE, London. The following presentations were made available by the speakers:

The 2010 meeting was held on 27 April 2010, ICE, Great George Street, London

Links to files from the meeting are below.


Session 1 – What should be taught in undergraduate degree courses?

Session 2 – How should this be taught?

Session 3 – Questions for students?

The 2012 meeting was held on 23 April 2012, ICE, Great George Street, London


Links to files from the meeting are below:

Session 1 – Harnessing the energy of young people

Session 2 – What is BIM & how can it be integrated within accredited degrees?

Session 3 – JBM Update

Summary of output from breakout session – employment issues

The 2004 ACED Annual Conference and AGM took place in October at the University of Plymouth.

The 2005 ACED Annual Conference and AGM took place in October at Coventry University.

Conference Programme:

Day 1:

Day 2:


The 2009 conference took place on 12th and 13th November 2009 at Cardiff University.

The organiser was Prof. Robert Lark.


Links to files from the conference are below:

Session 1 – Assessment and Feedback

Session 2 – Field Courses and Hands-On Learning

Session 3 – Widening Participation and STEM

Session 4 – Overseas Development & Engineering

Session 5 – Climate Change

The annual ACED Conference will take place this year on the 30th and 31st of October 2014 at the University of the West of Scotland, Paisley Campus.  The flyer gives further details regarding the Conference, including online registration which is now available.

A key discussion topic at the Conference will be the management and operation of undergraduate civil engineering research projects.  As part of this, we are collecting information on how they are run, and this will be discussed at the Conference.  It would be useful if all academics who look after undergraduate civil engineering research projects could complete this five minute survey.

STEM_HEA-Logo_RGB_JPEGOur colleagues at Higher Education Academy (HEA) STEM will be holding their annual conference next year at the University of Edinburgh on 30 April – 1 May 2014.

Its theme will be “Enhancing the STEM Student Journey” and there’s a deadline of 22 November 2013 for the submission of full papers, abstracts for oral presentations and workshops.  In addition, the HEA are running the Technician of the Year Awards; a series of prestigious awards that celebrate the technician’s contribution to teaching and learning activities and to the wider HE student experience.  Awards will be presented at the Conference with the winners receiving £250 each of Amazon vouchers in recognition of their contribution to STEM education.  Nominations are welcome from technicians, academic staff, students and senior management.

The 12th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2014, will be held at Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK from 9th to 11th September 2014. Initiated by the Consortium of UK University Manufacturing and Engineering Department Heads (COMEH), ICMR has been the UK’s main manufacturing research conference for the last 25 years.
A full paper may now be submitted to the ICMR 2014 conference. The conference will be a prestigious gathering of researchers, academics and industry practitioners across the world which aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and discussions on emerging trends and new challenges in all aspects of product development, manufacturing, product and service engineering.
The key features of the conference will be:

The key dates of the conference are:
14 April 2014                Receipt of full paper submissions
26 May 2014                 Notification of paper acceptance and opening of conference
16 June 2014                 Receipt of revised final paper
30 June 2014                Receipt of early-bird registration fee
14 July 2014                  Final registration deadline
25 August 2014           Publication of conference programme
9–11 September 2014        ICMR 2014 conference
The key topics of the conference are:

Paper Submission
Full papers with maximum of 6 A4 size pages in length in MS Word format should be submitted to the conference website (ICMR 2014 Paper Submission Link). Paper submissions will be handled by the EasyChair conference management system. If you already have an account you will be able to reuse that account, otherwise you will be able to create a new account during the registration process.

For more information, email:

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