The Student Conference & the John Barnes Trophy Competition will be held at the Association of Aerospace Universities (AAU) HQ at the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) at Cranfield after the AAU Committee Meeting and AGM on Friday 24 Oct.


Entries to the Conference are still encouraged. These may be at final year BEng/BSc, MEng (whether penultimate or final year) or taught MSc level.

The winner will receive a certificate and a prize of ÂŁ500. The two runners up will each receive a prize of ÂŁ300.
On the day, each presenter will be given 25 minutes, including questions, to present their project. A Panel, drawn from AAU members, will then award the certificate and prizes to the winning student and runners up.

Please send nominations (and student contact details if they are happy to provide them) to Dr Andrew Lewis (  by Friday 3rd October.

As in the last two years, the AAU will be running the John Barnes Conference for students who have just completed an Individual Project on their degree; however, this year we are pleased to be holding it at the UK Aerodynamics Centre, Cranfield on Friday 24th October 2014.

We will continue with the very successful format whereby entrants have the opportunity to present at a full day’s conference. The winner will receive a certificate and a prize of £500. The two runners up will each receive a prize of £300. Over and above this, it will be an excellent experience to include on their CVs for all students involved as it provides an ideal opportunity to present their achievements to a technically broad audience drawn from a number of Universities and the aerospace sector more generally. It is this that provides the challenge of presenting work in a specialist area to non-specialists – a very important skill to develop.

The process for entry will be as follows:

Step 1: The AAU representative at each member institution, together with colleagues, will select up to two individual student projects. These may be at final year BEng/BSc, MEng (whether penultimate or final year) or taught MSc level.

Step 2: The representative will submit a one page abstract, together with a copy of the project report (in electronic form if possible) to myself at my e-mail address below.

Step 3: If the number of entries is large, a Panel made up of AAU representatives will be convened to shortlist from these submissions. All AAU members will be receive an invitation to join this panel.

Step 4: The authors will be invited to present at the conference where each presenter will be given 25 minutes, including questions, to present their project. The Panel will then award the certificates and prizes to the winning student and runners up.

The deadline for receipt of entries is Wednesday 9th July. If shortlisting is required, a Panel will then be convened and the outcome will be made known on Friday 25th July.

The SEFI annual Conference 2014 (“Educating Engineers for Global Competitiveness”) will take place at the University of Birmingham between 15th and 19th September and will incorporate the Biennial EE Conference.

For more details, see Conference Flyer. 

Do you want to know more about using digital technologies in learning and teaching? If you want to explore innovative uses of digital technologies to enhance your teaching practice, don’t miss out on this hands-on opportunity with CLL (Changing the Learning Landscape).

This is the third of three CLL workshops in June aimed at academic staff, and others who teach and support learning in higher education.

The events will showcase discipline-specific uses of digital technologies and explore how different approaches might transfer across disciplines. They will also engage with current advances in technology-enhanced learning and consider ways in which practitioners can take advantage of the opportunities they offer. By providing examples of teaching practice from across the sector, participants will discover how the implementation of technological approaches has enhanced learning and teaching, and will gain inspiration for their own practice.

For more information on the series of workshops or to book a place, visit or call the HEA on 01904 717574

Changing the Learning Landscape (CLL) is a HEFCE-funded programme supporting and encouraging higher and further education institutions to make a step change in how they adopt effective and strategic uses of online technology in teaching and learning.

The programme is a unique partnership between the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, JISC, the National Union of Students, the Association for Learning Technology and the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Do you want to know more about using digital technologies in learning and teaching? If you want to explore innovative uses of digital technologies to enhance your teaching practice, don’t miss out on this hands-on opportunity with CLL (Changing the Learning Landscape).

This is the second of three CLL workshops in June aimed at academic staff, and others who teach and support learning in higher education.

The events will showcase discipline-specific uses of digital technologies and explore how different approaches might transfer across disciplines. They will also engage with current advances in technology-enhanced learning and consider ways in which practitioners can take advantage of the opportunities they offer. By providing examples of teaching practice from across the sector, participants will discover how the implementation of technological approaches has enhanced learning and teaching, and will gain inspiration for their own practice.

For more information on the series of workshops or to book a place, visit or call the HEA on 01904 717574

Changing the Learning Landscape (CLL) is a HEFCE-funded programme supporting and encouraging higher and further education institutions to make a step change in how they adopt effective and strategic uses of online technology in teaching and learning.

The programme is a unique partnership between the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, JISC, the National Union of Students, the Association for Learning Technology and the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Do you want to know more about using digital technologies in learning and teaching? If you want to explore innovative uses of digital technologies to enhance your teaching practice, don’t miss out on this hands-on opportunity with CLL (Changing the Learning Landscape).

This is the first of three CLL workshops in June aimed at academic staff, and others who teach and support learning in higher education.

The events will showcase discipline-specific uses of digital technologies and explore how different approaches might transfer across disciplines. They will also engage with current advances in technology-enhanced learning and consider ways in which practitioners can take advantage of the opportunities they offer. By providing examples of teaching practice from across the sector, participants will discover how the implementation of technological approaches has enhanced learning and teaching, and will gain inspiration for their own practice.

For more information on the series of workshops or to book a place, visit or call the HEA on 01904 717574

Changing the Learning Landscape (CLL) is a HEFCE-funded programme supporting and encouraging higher and further education institutions to make a step change in how they adopt effective and strategic uses of online technology in teaching and learning.

The programme is a unique partnership between the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, JISC, the National Union of Students, the Association for Learning Technology and the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Come and join a team that is putting in two entries for the rally.
Starting mid to end of May come and help prepare the aircraft in Tisbury.
Participate as ground crew at the rally, even perhaps get to fly the aircraft.
Follow link for more details.
Information and Applications:
John Edgley
See the website for other projects:

April 2014 – Team sign-up
June 2014 – EXPO Event
September 2014 – Competition starts
June/July 2015 – Fly off (date to be confirmed)
Entries for the challenge are now open! It is ÂŁ850 +VAT to register a team of 10 plus a team leader/faculty advisor. Additional members will be charged at ÂŁ85+ VAT per person up to a maximum of a further 10 participants.
Registrations close on Friday 26 September.
Follow link for more details for graduates, sponsors, competition rules and booking form.
For other details or if you have an enquiry, please get in touch with Rachel Pearson on +44 (0)20 7304 6867 or email

The Engineering Professors’ Council Annual Congress took place at the University of Glasgow on 8th – 9th April 2014 with the theme: Engaging in Engineering.

The agenda and papers for the meeting may now be downloaded here.

Agenda and papers

A copy of the following notice was circulated to members on 7th March, 2014.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Engineering Professors’ Council (a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England & Wales 06791295) will be held in room 408, Rankine Building, University of Glasgow,  on Tuesday 8 April, 2014 at 16:00 during the first day of our annual Congress. This Notice is served in accordance with Articles 38-40 of the Engineering Professors’ Council’s Articles of Association.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is required by our rules and the law to transact the following business (in no particular order):

The minutes of the last AGM

  • The annual report and accounts
  • The subscription levels for the following financial year
  • Adoption of any special resolutions and ordinary resolutions as submitted (see deadlines below)
  • The election of honorary officers, directors and committee members
  • Approval of the venue for the 2015 Congress
  • Other business as tabled by the Members

The AGM is the sovereign members’ forum of the Engineering Professors’ Council and is the body to which ordinarily the Committee and Directors are held to account and required to report.  All Full Members and Associate Members are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting.  One senior manager from each Corporate Member (if any) is entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting (definition of membership status may be found attached to this Notice).  No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present.  Twelve persons entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted shall be a quorum.  A resolution put to the vote of a meeting shall be decided on a show of hands, and every Full Member present in person shall have one vote.  Corporate Members and Associate Members shall not have voting rights at an Annual General Meeting.  Proposals requiring amendment to the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association (copies of which are available at will necessitate a resolution of an Annual General Meeting, carried by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the Full Members present and voting at such a meeting, for which the quorum shall be 20 drawn from the Full Members.

Members may submit resolutions and amendments to resolutions in line with the Companies Acts and the Articles of Association.  If a Member wishes to place a special resolution to the Annual General Meeting, the draft resolution must be received by email to no later than 09:00 on Friday 14 March 2014.


In line with the provisions of Articles 18-21 and 31-37, a number of positions of honorary officers and Committee members will fall vacant.  Nominations are invited for these positions by the process outlined in Appendix 2 to this Notice.  Notification of nomination should be made to no later than 09:00 on Friday 14 March 2014.  Details of the current committee may be found at

Professor D. K. Harrison


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