Important Deadlines
28 February 2013: Submission of Abstracts
15 March 2013: Submission of Full Papers
30 March 2013: Notification of Accepted Papers
30 April 2013: Deadline for Submission of Final Manuscripts
6 & 7 June:Â Conference
For more information go to
The 45th EUCEN Conference will be held in the University of Geneva, Charmey, Switzerland on May 29â31, 2013 and is organised by the European Universities Continuing Education Network.
EUCENâs 45th Conference organised by the University of Geneva (CH) will examine the responsibility of ULLL in the knowledge society. What are the models of the future for ULLL in a globalised World? Two main aspects will be explored:
1.   Internationalising universities: Between competition, collaboration and cooperation â the policy of internationalisation for universities
2.   The transfer of knowledge by ICT
The 45th Conference team is gathering case studies of good practices, successful or not, on the Conference theme.
We want to know what your university does to share its knowledge. Why? For whom? With whom? For what purpose? By what means? How? With what risks and difficulties? For what benefits?
The keywords of the Call are:
Governance / Policy and Strategies / International ULLL / Partnerships / Social responsibility, Development and Ethics / Business / Technologies, Pedagogy and tutoring in distance and blended learning / Mobility and learning outcomes
You can already register on-line. Prices:
Early bird registration until 15 March – EUCEN 400EURÂ /Â Non-EUCEN 440EUR
Registration from 16 March – EUCEN members 440EURÂ Â /Â Â Non-EUCEN 480EUR
Education for Engineering (E4E) invites you to a conference examining the new Programmes of Study for Design and Technology and ICT in the National Curriculum.
Matthew Hancock MP, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Business and Education will present the Governmentâs view of the new curricula and there will be opportunities to take part in discussions on the Programmes of Study and the wider issues around the future of practical technical education in schools which will feed into our response to the National Curriculum Review.
A full agenda for the event is below.
This free event is open to all organisations and individuals with an interest in STEM education. There are a limited number of places for this event and we anticipate that the event will be oversubscribed, so please register as quickly as possible.
Click on the link below to take you through to the Royal Academy of Engineering event registration portal.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Dr Rhys Morgan by email
09.30 Registration, Tea, Coffee
10.00 Welcome
Dick Olver FREng Chairman BAE Systems, Chair E4E
10.15 Government’s view
Matthew Hancock MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business and Education
10.45 View from the National Curriculum Review Expert Panel
Tim Oates Chair Expert Panel, Cambridge Assessment (TBC)
11.15 ICT Programme of Study
Prof Simon Peyton Jones Chair ICT draft curriculum group, Chair CAS
11.35 D&T Programme of study
Andy Mitchell Assistant CEO, DATA
12.00 Panel discussion
Chair: Prof Matthew Harrison Director Education and Engineering, Royal Academy of Engineering
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Programmes of Study discussion break out groups
a) DT curriculum review
b) ICT curriculum review
15.00 Conference Ends
Women in significant leadership roles share how they – and you – are poised to change the world. Who inspired them, how and what are the best lessons they’ve learned to succeed?
GM13 is a free, live ‘virtual conversation’ For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology. Please join us and let your friends and colleagues know about a unique event in March to celebrate the women who are in engineering education or employment.
Women of all disciplines of engineering; all career stages and all nationalities will join in webcast conversations about the issues that affect them; the work they do and the stories that they want to share. The event is timed to support Engineering Week and International Womenâs Day.
Women from 71 countries took part last year and we hope that this, 9th Year of running, will be the most successful ever. We want to encourage satellite events and Champions around the world. Women in engineering and technology play a critical role in defining how we live and thrive on our shared planet. The Global Marathon forum is designed for, by and about women like you – to share ideas, gain knowledge and new contacts and feel inspired about your personal and professional contributions in the world.
The Marathon fills the need for a collaborative place for individuals and organizations to come together. Our network facilitates live online presentations and discussions as well as in-person chats, globally and locally.
Can you encourage female students; early career professionals and E&T qualified industry leaders to join women engineers from around the world in live chat? Ask a network you know to have a âvirtual meetingâ or get a group of women at work together for coffee and cake. We want women to connect around the world; to share experiences and encourage each other to progress. The event is recorded to be listened to afterwards so it can be a useful resource to all.
After 8 years we need your help to ensure that this unique platform for women engineers reaches an even wider audience so that all women in engineering and technology groups across different industry sectors join in. Please contact the GM13 team for more information (details below). This is the current schedule but you can add your own event to these or join in any others you wish.
This year’s theme is: “Inspire. Inform. Change the World.”
More women around the world are choosing to study engineering and computing to join exciting careers – this event enables you to speak about the experiences you have and to help others. There is no other live event that connects all technically educated women to each other across the globe.
Register now, create your profile and join the conversation!
Watch Gayle Gibson, Director of Corporate Operations at DuPont launch the 2013 Global Marathon.
For all other information please contact Teresa Schofield CEng MIET MIEEE Tel 01234 353281
The Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology is a program of the National Engineers Week Foundation supported by NAE and NSPE.
The week of March 11th-15th will see an unprecedented number of engineers going into schools to give inspirational talks to students about the work they do and how they chose their careers. To get involved, sign up to the Inspiring the Future programme.
This week is an important week for engineering with many high-profile events happening. First, the inaugural winner of the global Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize) will be announced. The QEPrize celebrates an engineer responsible for a ground-breaking innovation in engineering of benefit to humanity and will provide a great opportunity to raise the profile of engineering in the UK. We hope that the prize will inspire and engage the next generation of young people to take up careers in engineering.
A unique alliance of organisations: EngineeringUK, the British Science Association, Speakers for Schools and its sister programme Inspiring the Future along with the Royal Academy of Engineering are developing a programme of activities in March, to coincide with other STEM events: such as The Big Bang fair, the first Global Grand Challenges Summit and National Science and Engineering Week.
As part of that programme, and to mark the award of the first QEPrize, engineers from across the county are invited to visit state schools in order to share their passion for engineering with young people. The winner of the £1 million Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering will be selected by an eminent panel of international judges who are leading engineers and scientists. They will visit the UK in March and have been invited to join the programme of engineering activities, including visiting schools to engage and inspire young people in engineering.
Over half of all secondary schools in England have applied for a speaker through the Speakers for Schools programme and many are keen to hear these prominent engineers and scientists talk to their students. A similar number of schools have signed up for the sister programme Inspiring the Future, which aims to recruit 100,000 people at all stages of their careers â from apprentices to CEOs â to go into local schools to talk about their work and career route. The leaders of engineering firms employing large numbers of engineers will be asked to encourage their employees to take part in Inspiring the Future.
As the Government concludes its National Curriculum Review, this timely seminar focuses on content of the proposed new Programme of Study (PoS) for Maths, due to be introduced into schools from September 2014, spanning Key Stages 1-4, as well as the practical implementation challenges for schools.
It will bring together key policymakers with school and college leaders, teaching unions, universities, publishers, awarding bodies, employers and wider stakeholders.
Areas for discussion include:
- The content of the new Programme of Study (PoS) for Key Stages 1-4 – including the balance between pure mathematics and functional numeracy, and whether the PoS supports cross-curricular learning with the proposed curriculum PoSâ for Science and ICT;
- How content of the proposed PoS compares with the curricula of other nations with leading outcomes in numeracy and Maths more widely;
- The teaching of Maths – including the balance between prescription and teacher freedom, whether the new training bursaries will affect the recruitment and retention of mathematics graduates as teachers and the possibilities presented by technology to create innovative teaching approaches; and
- How the curriculum fits with the proposed extension of compulsory Maths to age 18 and whether Maths GCSE, or their possible replacement qualifications, should be split to cover practical, core numeracy skills and, separately, more advanced and applied mathematics.
We are delighted to be able to include in this seminar keynote addresses from: Jane Jones HMI, National Adviser for Maths, Ofsted; Professor Marcus du Sautoy, Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford and speaker confirmed from the Department for Education.
Further confirmed speakers include: Lynn Churchman, Trustee, National Numeracy and Chair, National Association of Mathematics Advisers; Rob Eastaway, Director, Maths Inspiration and Author, Maths for Mums and Dads; Professor Jeremy Hodgen, Professor of Mathematics Education, Kingâs College London; Dr Sue Pope, Mathematics Education Tutor, University of Manchester and Chair, Association of Teachers of Mathematics General Council; Charlie Stripp, Chief Executive, Mathematics in Education and Industry and Keith Todd, Headteacher, Greenway Academy, Horsham.
Additional senior participants are being approached.
Booking arrangements
A discount is available for EPC members. Please contact us for details.
To book places, please use the Westminster Higher Education Forum online booking form. Once submitted, this will be taken as a confirmed booking and will be subject to Westminster Higher Education Forum’s terms and conditions.
Venue: Central London TBA
As the Government concludes its National Curriculum review, this Westminster Higher Education Forum seminar focuses on the content of the new curriculum for Design and Technology (D&T) for each Key Stage, due to be introduced into schools from September 2014 – as well as the implementation challenges for schools. It will bring together key policymakers with school and college leaders, teaching unions, universities, employers and other stakeholders. Delegates will assess the opportunities and challenges presented by D&T’s designation as a ‘foundation’ subject, with a much less prescriptive Programme of Study, as well as the level of teaching time required to deliver the new Programme and whether it meets the needs of employers, colleges and universities.
See for more details or to book. EPC members receive 15% discount. Please contact us for the code.
As the Government concludes its National Curriculum review, this Westminster Higher Education Forum seminar focuses on the content of the new curriculum for Design and Technology (D&T) for each Key Stage, due to be introduced into schools from September 2014 – as well as the implementation challenges for schools. It will bring together key policymakers with school and college leaders, teaching unions, universities, employers and other stakeholders. Delegates will assess the opportunities and challenges presented by D&T’s designation as a ‘foundation’ subject, with a much less prescriptive Programme of Study, as well as the level of teaching time required to deliver the new Programme and whether it meets the needs of employers, colleges and universities.
See for more details or to book. EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact us for the code.
Bringing together key stakeholders – including academics and university leaders, the publishing industry, science-based businesses, research councils and other research-funding organisations – with policymakers, this Westminster Higher Education Forum seminar will enable delegates to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by a move to ‘gold’ open access policies for publicly-funded research, whereby authors pay a fee for publication. The wider impact of reforms to academic publishing will also be considered, including how the public’s engagement with research can be improved, through, for example, the provision of walk-in access to journals in public libraries UK-wide. Delegates will also analyse whether or not domestic reforms could spur a move towards worldwide open access and the resulting effect this could have on the UK’s competitive position in research and development.
See for more details or to book. EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact us for the code.