Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

The 6th ICEBE will be held in Windhoek, Namibia on October 8-10.

Over the past decade, this event has offered a unique opportunity for academics, business and, since last year, even for students from around the globe to share their broad array of knowledge and perspectives. The primary goal of the conference is to provide those with cross-disciplinary interests related to engineering and business education an opportunity to meet and interact with others inside and outside their own discipline. The international aspect of the conference brings a truly diverse variety of viewpoints shaped by different cultures, languages, geography and politics.

The conferences series has been organized since 2008 every year on different places of the world. This year it will be held in Windhoek, Namibia. Along with its ideal weather and striking beauty, the Namibian country provides natural elements to inspire learning and dialogue.

The 2012 conference that was held in Sibiu, Romania, was, again, a great success. We hosted more than 100 participants representing more than 21 countries.

For more information have a look on the Call for papers 6th ICEBE or go to www.icebe.net.

The 15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education will bring together representatives from education, design practice, industry and government agencies that have an interest in developing new approaches and directions in design education.

The conference will take place in Dublin on the 5 & 6 of September 2013.   The event will be organised by the School of Manufacturing & Design Engineering, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), in participation with the Design Education Special Interest Group (DESIG) of the Design Society and the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED). The conference will provide a forum for participants to discuss current educational issues and to identify new approaches, address new challenges and new directions for design education. This is reflected in this year’s conference theme, ‘Growing our Future’. The conference’s aim is to reflect the increasing emphasis on design education as a driver for economic growth and in particular the importance of design in addressing such issues as sustainability, creativity and innovation. We encourage conference submissions that have varied interpretations of the phrase ‘Growing our Future’ in line with the stated conference topics.


Important Deadlines
7 December 2012: Submission of Abstracts (max 500 words)
21 December 2012: Notification of Successful Abstracts
22 February 2013: Submission of Full Papers
12 April 2013: Notification of Accepted Papers
24 May 2013: Deadline for Author Earlybird Registration and Inclusion in Proceedings
5 & 6 September 2013: Conference

The 2013 Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES2013) will be held on 4-6 July 2013 in Kuala Lumpur.

This symposium follows ICREE 2007 in Hawaii, USA, REES 2008 in Davos, Switzerland, REES 2009 in Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, and REES 2011 in Madrid, Spain.”

The event is held in collaboration with Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN). REEN is an international forum for scholars interested in discussing and advancing research in engineering education. It aims to bring together the growing international community of engineering education researchers. This vibrant and welcoming community nurtures developing researchers through collaboration and sound methodological approaches to address the challenges within Engineering Education.

Academics, researchers and decision makers interested in enhancing engineering education through scholarly and evidence-based practices should not miss the opportunity to attend this meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is the first REES symposium held in Asia. It will give you the chance to experience the hospitality of Kuala Lumpur, and the cultural experiences that should not to be missed! Selected papers will be invited for publication in the International Journal on Engineering Education, which is indexed in SCOPUS and ISI.

The 4th International Research Symposium on Problem Based Learning will be organised on July 2-3 2013, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in Problem Based Learning.

Important dates:
Deadline for full paper submission: 1st February 2013
Notification of acceptance: 1st April 2013
Deadline for submitting final versions (camera ready): 15th May 2013
Pre-conference workshop: 1st February 2013
Conference sessions: 2-3 July 2013

June 23 – 26, 2013 – Atlanta, Georgia

The ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition hosts more than 400 technical sessions, with peer-reviewed papers spanning all disciplines of engineering education. Attendees include deans, faculty and researchers, students, and retirees. Distinguished lectures run through- out the conference, starting with the main plenary. In addition to various award receptions and banquets, ASEE hosts a complimentary “Meet the Board Forum,” providing the opportunity for all registrants to meet with members of the ASEE Board of Directors and discuss current issues in engineering and technology.

In order to strengthen the quality of conference proceedings, the ASEE Board of Directors has voted on a policy of “publish to present” at the ASEE annual conference. This policy, which requires all conference papers and presentations to be peer reviewed, seeks to ensure that intellectual activity by faculty and staff receives appropriate professional recognition.

In addition to Publish to Present sessions, since the 2011 ASEE annual conference, divisions may submit Panel sessions. To submit a Panel session, divisions are asked to provide white papers (extended abstracts) of no more than four pages consisting of two pages of session description and two pages of bios. The PIC chairs will review the Panel sessions submitted and determine their viability to the conference. (Please check the appropriate field/column for submitting a Panel session through the new ASEE paper submission system.)

For more information click here.

The 2013 EFMD Annual Conference will be held in Brussels, BE on June, 9-11. Please check back for information on the program, hotel, and registration in early 2013.

Theme: Does Management Education Create Impact?

Target Group:
The EFMD Annual Conference has been designed for all those interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD members, companies, educational institutions and other associations, offering various perspectives and discussions on the conference theme.

For further information please visit www.efmd.org

The 14th international Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics will take place in Vienna on the 6th & 7th of June 2013. The event will be organised by the International Network of Mechatronic Universities.

Important Deadlines
28 February 2013: Submission of Abstracts
15 March 2013: Submission of Full Papers
30 March 2013: Notification of Accepted Papers
30 April 2013: Deadline for Submission of Final Manuscripts
6 & 7 June: Conference

Contact: rem@f-ar.at

The 57th ECCE General Meeting will be held in Porto, Portugal on May 31- June 1.
For more information go to www.ecceengineers.eu.
The 45th EUCEN Conference will be held in the University of Geneva, Charmey, Switzerland on May 29‐31, 2013 and is organised by the European Universities Continuing Education Network.


Transferring Knowledge in a Globalised World: a ULLL Responsibility
EUCEN’s 45th Conference organised by the University of Geneva (CH) will examine the responsibility of ULLL in the knowledge society. What are the models of the future for ULLL in a globalised World? Two main aspects will be explored:
1.    Internationalising universities: Between competition, collaboration and cooperation – the policy of internationalisation for universities
2.    The transfer of knowledge by ICT
Follow the link below to read more about the conference Theme:
Follow the link below for access to the Programme:


The 45th Conference team is gathering case studies of good practices, successful or not, on the Conference theme.
We want to know what your university does to share its knowledge. Why? For whom? With whom? For what purpose? By what means? How? With what risks and difficulties? For what benefits?
The keywords of the Call are:
Governance / Policy and Strategies / International ULLL / Partnerships / Social responsibility, Development and Ethics / Business / Technologies, Pedagogy and tutoring in distance and blended learning / Mobility and learning outcomes


Deadline for contributions 5 April. Follow this link to access the Call for contributions:


You can already register on-line. Prices:
Early bird registration until 15 March – EUCEN 400EUR  /  Non-EUCEN 440EUR
Registration from 16 March – EUCEN members 440EUR   /   Non-EUCEN 480EUR
Follow this link to access the Registration form:


Join us in the EUCEN experience in Charmey, in the heart of Switzerland! 


Education for Engineering (E4E) invites you to a conference examining the new Programmes of Study for Design and Technology and ICT in the National Curriculum.

Matthew Hancock MP, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Business and Education will present the Government’s view of the new curricula and there will be opportunities to take part in discussions on the Programmes of Study and the wider issues around the future of practical technical education in schools which will feed into our response to the National Curriculum Review.
A full agenda for the event is below.

This free event is open to all organisations and individuals with an interest in STEM education. There are a limited number of places for this event and we anticipate that the event will be oversubscribed, so please register as quickly as possible.

Click on the link below to take you through to the Royal Academy of Engineering event registration portal.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Dr Rhys Morgan by email rhys.morgan@raeng.org.uk

09.30 Registration, Tea, Coffee
10.00 Welcome
Dick Olver FREng Chairman BAE Systems, Chair E4E
10.15 Government’s view
Matthew Hancock MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business and Education
10.45 View from the National Curriculum Review Expert Panel
Tim Oates Chair Expert Panel, Cambridge Assessment (TBC)
11.15 ICT Programme of Study
Prof Simon Peyton Jones Chair ICT draft curriculum group, Chair CAS
11.35 D&T Programme of study
Andy Mitchell Assistant CEO, DATA
12.00 Panel discussion
Chair: Prof Matthew Harrison Director Education and Engineering, Royal Academy of Engineering
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Programmes of Study discussion break out groups
a) DT curriculum review
b) ICT curriculum review
15.00 Conference Ends

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