April 2014 – Team sign-up
June 2014 – EXPO Event
September 2014 – Competition starts
June/July 2015 – Fly off (date to be confirmed)
Entries for the challenge are now open! It is £850 +VAT to register a team of 10 plus a team leader/faculty advisor. Additional members will be charged at £85+ VAT per person up to a maximum of a further 10 participants.
Registrations close on Friday 26 September.
Follow link for more details for graduatessponsors, competition rules and booking form.
For other details or if you have an enquiry, please get in touch with Rachel Pearson on +44 (0)20 7304 6867 or email

The Engineering Education Research Special Interest Group’s second annual symposium will be taking place at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne on May 20th 2014.
Attendance is free, but numbers are limited.
For the programme and registration details, follow the link Symposium Programme

Our “roving reporter” and Chair of the Engineering Education, Employability and Skills sub Committee at the EPC, Clive Neal-Sturgess has been on the road again.  This time, he was representing the UK at a workshop entitled “The different Engineering Doctorates in Europe” organised by the European Engineering Deans Council, 4ING – the EPC’s opposite number in Germany – and SEFI on the 16th September. Hosted by KU Leuven in conjunction with the 2013 SEFI Annual Conference, there were more than 60 participants with their presentations available here.

It was highlighted that the UK was unique in Europe owing to the existence of a single “arbiter” of quality in the QAA whereas across the range of other countries, quality control was within the remit of the individual institution.  A full report from the event will be posted here when it’s available.

coal research forum
Please see this Coal Research Forum E-mailshot No.17, (2014), with the Announcement of the Registration and Programme for the Coal Research Forum’s biennial conference, “10th European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications” to be held at the University of Hull on 15th – 17th September 2014.

Registrations and payments are being handled by Maggi Churchouse Events, where you can register and pay on the above Conference Website.  Please note that the Conference Fee will increase after 31st July 2014.

Please note that although the Call for Abstracts for this Programme closed on 31st January 2014, one or more further abstracts may be submitted for consideration as poster presentations at any time up to 31st July 2014.  Such abstracts, which must conform to the specified format, (see template on the Conference Website), should be submitted by E-mail to the Conference Manager at For such abstracts to be considered, the prospective authors must simultaneously register to attend this Conference via the Conference Website.  Although the Conference Programme is currently full, prospective authors of such abstracts may ask for an oral presentation, and such consideration will be given should a suitable slot appear in the Conference Programme.

For all enquiries regarding Conference Registrations, please contact:
Maggi Churchouse (Mrs), Maggi Churchouse Events,
3, East Barn, Market, Weston Road, Thelnetham, Diss, IP22 1JJ, UK.
Tel & fax : +44 (0)1359 221004.
E-mail :

Brought to you by the Women’s Engineering Society in association with Aston University.
Event flyer.

Guest of Honour: Professor Martin Hall, Vice-Chancellor, University of Salford and Chair, UK Open Access Implementation Group
Delegates at this timely seminar will assess the challenges and opportunities presented by the introduction of Open Access policies for publicly-funded research. It comes as academia and businesses prepare for publicly-funded research to be made available on an Open Access basis by 2014, following Government and the Research Councils’ accepting recommendations in Dame Janet Finch’s report Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications.

The conference will bring together key policymakers with academics and university leaders, the publishing industry, science-based businesses, research councils, other research-funding organisations and further interested parties. Key topics for discussion will include the potential for e-books and other formats to more widely disseminate research, funding implications of the ‘Gold’ Open Access model, the role of that the ‘Green’ Open Access model could play in the UK and how the UK policy compares with the Open Access positions of other nations.

For more details and to book a place, please see
(EPC Members – please contact the EPC Office for a discount code)

Westminster Business Forum Keynote Seminar

The future for UK manufacturing – challenges ahead for policy following the Foresight Project


Professor Sir Mark Walport, Chief Scientific Adviser to HM Government and Head, Government Office for Science (subject to diary)


Janice Munday, Director, Advanced Manufacturing and Services, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Dirk Pilat, Deputy Director, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD


Dick Elsy, High Value Manufacturing Catapult; Professor Steve Evans, University of Cambridge; Professor Richard Hague, University of Nottingham; Professor Richard Harris, University of Durham; Professor Alan Hughes, University of Cambridge; Mike Hutchinson, Tharsus Group; Mike Rigby, Barclays and Bill Twigg, Semta

Chaired by:

Chris White MP, Co-Chair, Associate Parliamentary Manufacturing Group

Morning, Thursday, 28th November 2013

Central London 

The 11th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2013)

The International Conference on Manufacturing Research is a major event for academics and industrialists engaged in manufacturing research.  Held annually in the UK since the late 1970s, the conference is renowned as a friendly and inclusive environment that brings together a broad community of researchers who share a common goal; developing and managing the technologies and operations that are key to sustaining the success of manufacturing businesses.

ICMR2013 will take place on the 19-20 September 2013 at Cranfield University.  

The ICMR2013 is running back to back with the 2nd Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future conference which runs from 17-18 September 2013. Both conferences are integrated events within the ‘Manufacturing Week’ 16-20 September 2013 at Cranfield. The ICMR 2013 will have a strong emphasis on industrial relevance and senior executives from leading manufacturers will be attending.

We now have a strong programme for our 10th annual meeting around the theme ‘The Future of Manufacturing’.

Speakers will include the manufacturing heads from BIS, EPSRC and TSB, industrialists from key industries of the future including Medical Technology, Synthetic Biology and Food as well as a Manufacturing Futures Workshop facilitated by the Government Office of Science Manufacturing Foresight team, and a pre-dinner address by David Willetts.

Follow the link Forum Agenda to see the programme.

Please email Ella Davey ( to let her know if you can attend both the Forum and Dinner.

As this is our 10th Anniversary year we are keen to make it a rather special occasion, so do please join in if you can. Do please also let us know if there are any senior industrialists you would like us to invite for the dinner, and any new Professors we should be encouraging to come along to both the Forum and Dinner.

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

The 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE) will be held in Porto, Portugal on October 31st-November 1st, under the theme “Education in Engineering: Challenges for Innovation”.

Engineering Education faces global challenges that are being widely and continuously studied worldwide. The first CISPEE edition occurs in the same year the American Society for Engineering Education (founded on 1893) organizes its 120th conference, thus confirming  the importance and actuality of this area.

The SPEE – Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, founded in 2010, aims to promote engineering education through better teacher pedagogical formation and personal development; projects dissemination and participation; and collaboration between national and international experts and institutions.

CISPEE will be a key opportunity to gather – in Portugal – a number of national and international experts in the area of engineering education, under the topics of the present SPEE working groups, namely:

– Engineering Ethics;
– ICT in Engineering Education;
– Continuing Engineering Education;
– Tools to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills;
– Mathematics in Engineering Education;

A number of invited keynotes will enrich the discussion and opportunities for debate around other challenges engineering education faces today, namely:

– Accreditation and educational quality in engineering courses;
– Industry-Academia cooperation as a driving force for wealth and jobs creation;
– Promoting and disseminating science & engineering to society, through mass media.

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