Engineers Without Borders UK invites you to spend the afternoon at the EWB Challenge Finals 2016.
The EWB Challenge is an inter-university design competition where student teams develop design solutions to overcome challenges set out by Engineers Without Borders UK in a design brief developed in conjunction with one of our community partners – this year Reignite Action for Development based in Bambui, Cameroon. The competition culminates at the EWB Challenge Finals where the top teams from UK and Irish universities are invited to come and showcase their design solutions. This year over 4,700 students from 27 institutions have participated in the EWB Challenge.
This is your opportunity to come and meet the best teams and see the hard work that has got them to this stage of the competition. You will have the opportunity to view the EWB Challenge exhibition showcasing the top 36 teams and to hear presentations from the top 6 teams as decided by our panel of expert judges. We will also be hearing from several speakers on the importance of initiatives like the EWB Challenge and responsible design and engineering.
Speakers include:
Naomi Climer – President, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Lord Dr Hastings of Scarisbrick CBE – Global Head of Citizenship for KPMG International
The event will end with a drinks reception and the opportunity to network with other attendees.
This is a great event – EPC will be part of the judging panel. Do try and get there if you can.
Engineering a Better World is a flagship global conference, bringing national academies of engineering from around the world together with international development stakeholders to discuss the global importance of engineering for international development.
The National Academies are hosting a series of four Policy Lab events considering the landscape for UK research and innovation after the 2015 Spending Review. This event will look ahead to 2030 to consider what UK research and innovation could achieve in the future, and what it would take to get there.
The National Academies are hosting a series of four Policy Lab events considering the landscape for UK research and innovation after the 2015 Spending Review. This event will look at the current scope of support for innovation in the UK and what a coherent strategy for the future should include.
The National Academies are hosting a series of four Policy Lab events considering the landscape for UK research and innovation after the 2015 Spending Review. This event will explore how the UK’s research excellence can be maintained and improved, as the structures that govern and fund it undergo a period of significant change.
This event is free of charge and registration will open shortly. Doors open from 6.00pm, with the event commencing at 6.30pm.
Research and Ideas for Practice
Centre for Engineering Education, UCL, London
Join us for this informative and lively symposium on inclusion in engineering education. Our aim is to bring together key researchers and practitioners who are pushing forward the inclusion agenda, from inclusion in engineering design and innovation, course structure and delivery as well as building an inclusive learning environment i.e. culture. The forum will hear how and why gender is and should be included in engineering courses. Have you thought for example about how gender affects car design or wearable technology? How would you teach this?
The programme includes keynote speakers from Germany and Australia, a student discussion forum and a Pecha Kucha (20 images shown for 20 seconds) session as well as discussion groups. Bring along your own ideas, research and practice. Or simply come to learn and collect examples of good practice.
The event is supported by The Royal Academy of Engineering and we shall be producing a summary report.
There is a small charge of £150 that includes attendance and symposium refreshments with an additional charge for the dinner.
Participation from academics in higher and further education as well as industry is welcomed.
For further details contact: +44 0797 4011278
Engineers Without Borders UK are co-organising two workshops with the University of Leeds Inter-Disciplinary Applied Ethics Centre during spring 2016 to develop a Declaration of Global Responsibility for Engineers.
The goals of the workshops are to:
- Use the model of the Declaration of Helsinki (written by the World Medical Association in 1964 to outline the ethical responsibilities of medical research) as a basis for drafting a Declaration of Global Responsibility for engineers
- Develop an understanding of what opportunities and challenges are present and to be expected for the implementation of such a declaration.
The first workshop will be held on Friday 26th February 2016 in London, you have the option of attending our morning or afternoon session.
Spaces are very limited so please sign up now if you’d like to attend.
This Congress is organized by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations – Committee of Education in Engineering (WFEO-CEIE) in collaboration with the Federation of Lebanese Engineers (FLE), the Federation of Arab Engineers (FAE), the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The Congress themes are:
Engineering Education, and policy knowledge base relevant to sustainability,
Innovations in education and learning research,
Education on engineering sustainability, with particular emphasis on socioeconomic and environmental implications,
Environmental, energy and societal engineering sustainability,
Support for interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary education/learning science research,
Development of the cyber structure and research instrumentation needed to enable sustainability in engineering,
Effects of accreditation on engineering education for sustainability,
Co-curricular activities for learning sustainability,
Effective strategies for engaging students in learning about sustainability in engineering,
Barriers, Challenges, and Drivers for Universities to become more sustainability-focused,
Experiences and lessons learnt from embedding sustainability in engineering curricula,
Education for Sustainable Development at Universities in the MENA Region: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices,
Principles and Standards of sustainability in engineering education,
Sustainability and industry: Barriers, challenges and best practices,
Engineering curricula and sustainability (methodology, programs, ethics, learning applications…).
Teaching the “Architectural Project” with its fundamental anchorage to “sustainability” parameters,
Sustainable Architecture education : Traditions and Technological strategies.
Amidst continued discourse around a projected shortfall of engineering talent and talk of deregulation of HE coming from Government, this event seeks to explore how the higher education landscape may change in response.
Our speakers will bring differing, but complementary perspectives to open the conversation. As usual we will encourage our audience to take an active part in the proceedings.
We expect our collective crystal ball gazing to alight on areas such as the future role of accreditation, relationships with industry, fast track degrees, the emergence of private providers and the Teaching Excellence Framework.
Leading the conversation:
Kel Fidler (previously Chairman, Engineering Council and former Vice Chancellor of Northumbria University)
Karen Usher (Co Team Leader, New University for Herefordshire Project)
The 5th EASN International Workshop aims, like its acclaimed annual predecessors, to offer a forum for discussion and exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and development activities, this year in the field of Aerostructures.
The goal is to share high quality, current achievements and new upstream ideas for future research, from running or recently completed European and International research activities in Aeronautics and Air Transport.
In that frame, we are pleased to announce that the Abstract Submission deadline has been extended to June 15th, 2015. Selected papers will be published following peer review in a special issue of the International Journal of Structural Integrity (IJSI) of Emerald Group Publishing.