Sustainability skills & mindset: adapting engineering education to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



This new initiative, designed for engaged faculty worldwide, provides the opportunity to get insights, share ideas and feedback, and exchange good practice with peers in academia and across industry on embedding sustainability in engineering education.

Together with a broad range of industry representatives, including Siemens, participants will exchange ideas on topics from curriculum development to credentialing; from emerging technologies to future skills and more.


Active participants will receive a digital badge in recognition for their contributions to the network



Registration is now open for the “Engineering Ethics: Maintaining society’s trust in the Engineering Profession” report launch webinar. This event marks the publication of this important work produced the Engineering Ethics Reference Group (a joint committee of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council).


Ethical practice has long been part of the behaviours (together with sustainability and inclusion) which make a profession aspirational and trust-worthy. Engineering has been working for many years on embedding ethical engineering in professional practice. This report is next step in this work, drawing in progress so far and launching a new vision. It also includes actions to support that vision, and embed it in the culture of professional engineering.
In this webinar, you will hear from the Chair of the Engineering Ethics Reference Group, Professor David Bogle FIChemE FREng, followed by a panel discussion with Chi Onwurah MP, Professor Chris Atkin FREng FRAeS (Chair of the Engineering Council), Dr Ollie Folayan (Chair AFBE-UK Scotland), and Maitheya Riva (early career engineer representative, IOM3).
Register now for the opportunity to hear about the report, and how the profession is working to embed ethical practice across engineering in the UK.

Further details, including the programme for the event and how to register are available on the RAEng website.

The Sixteenth International Conference of Multiphysics will be held virtually on 9-10 December 2021.
Agile engineering education: Developing the next generation of engineering innovators, experts and leaders for our ever-evolving world.

The GEDC Industry Forum brings together engineering education leaders from around the world with senior executives from leading industrial and technology companies in a unique, interactive format. From socially conscious engineering to ethics, micro-credentials to rapid innovation, the themes and content will reflect the most important issues of the moment, allowing participants to design the way forward together. This event is designed specifically for Engineering Deans, Department Heads and equivalents to interact with peers and industry leaders. We encourage relevant EPC members to consider this opportunity to engage and share best practise within a global community. Find out more and request an invitation.

This is a lecture organised by the Coventry Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) which will be delivered by Dr Mike Bromfield who is a Flight Safety Researcher and the Deputy Aerospace Programme Director at the University of Birmingham, and Captain Nils Jamieson.

For more details click here.

To attend on the day: Webinar ID: 864 7147 9072
Passcode: 829607

On the 14th May EERN are pleased to join up with partners from across the world to hold the first Engineering Education Research Big Meet Up.

Across the whole day there will be keynotes, discussion and virtual coffee breaks.

Further details and sign up for this free event at:

This all-day launch of the Vertical Flight Society is a free-to-attend event to be held on Monday 24 February at the Royal Air Force Club in Mayfair – 128 Piccadilly, London, W1J 7PY.

Please follow link for the programme.

University of Strathclyde is hosting the 7th ISEE: Engineering Education for the 21st Century from 9-10th July 2020. Papers relevant to the conference themes are also invited.

The conference covers all aspects pertaining to factors affecting the quality and effectiveness of engineering education initiatives.

The deadline for abstracts is 20th January 2020.

The UK & Ireland EERN are pleased to announce their 7th Annual Symposium will be hosted by WMG & the School of Engineering, University of Warwick in December this year.

Excellence in Engineering Education for the 21st Century: The Role of Engineering Education Research

Building on the success of previous annual symposium and colloquium the UK & Ireland EERN invites colleagues to submit extended abstracts for presentation at the 2019 Annual Symposium. Templates are available to download as a .zip file here.
With a growing membership of Engineering Education Researchers and Educators, this year’s event promises to be better than ever.

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