A unique gathering for engineering leadership teams in academia and industry
Location: Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China
Date: Sunday 14th to Wednesday 17th January 2024
Themes: Skills & Talent / Educational Transformation / Discovery & Innovation / Societal Impact
On Tuesday 7th November 2023, school pupils, university students and engineers travelled to London for the highly prestigious Primary Engineer MacRobert Medal Award Ceremony to receive recognition for their work in creating a Prototype based on a school pupils engineering idea.
Please join Siemens online at 15.00-16.00 CEST (14.00-15.00 BST) on Wednesday 7th June to hear news from the network and connect with sustainability-engaged educators from around the world. If you are attending the gathering from a time zone other than CEST or BST please click here to check what time the session takes place in your time zone.
Please note, this is NOT an EPC-run event, please click the ‘Register’ button below to be redirected to an external website where you can register to attend.
This yearâs Symposium will be hosted by WMG, University of Warwick. Building on the success of their previous events, colleagues are invited to submit abstracts for presentation at: The Student Experience: From Evolution to Revolution? The contribution of pedagogical research in enhancing engineering education. Click here to find out more about the Call for Papers and how to submit your abstract.
This is NOT an EPC-run event. Please click the ‘Register’ button below to be redirected to an external website to register.
ALT South #TechThursdays – Directed study, ChatGPT led independent study and Exam revision
Join the ALT South #TechThurdays event with Dr. Manish Malik and Dr. Jebraeel Gholinezhad from the University of Portsmouth to learn about an inclusive innovation, Examopedia – the collaborative exam revision service that has helped academics improve teaching and support ALL students since 2007. With closed book exams returning back after the pandemic, students are in need of extra practice and support to succeed. Examopedia provides the perfect solution, offering an innovative approach to exam preparation that has already been successfully used in one engineering school before the pandemic. It can also support staff and students where open book exams are continuing to be used. By tapping into the cultural and social capital through the use of ChatGPT, Examopedia promotes independent study, improving students’ confidence and overall academic performance for ALL students regardless of their academic background.
There will be a total of nine events delivered across two months, throughout the UK. To find out the dates and locations for each event, please click the ‘Dates and Locations’ tab.  Please note: this is NOT an EPC-run event, please click the ‘Register’ button below to be redirected to an external website where you can register to attend.
To learn more about the teaching internships for undergraduates and teacher training adviser services offered by the DfE, please click the Teaching internships and teacher training advisers tab below.
This is not an EPC-run event. Please click the ‘Register’ button below to book onto the event.
Siemens sees enormous concern for sustainable development amongst youth all over the world, but little direction or support dedicated to empowering them to solve the worldâs challenges. This may be contributing to a sense of hopelessness which is, in turn, leading to diminishing enrollment and attrition in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) programs at the tertiary level.
Siemens drives sustainable innovation by seamlessly combining the real and the digital worlds as digitalization is the key enabler of the circular economy. As a core tenant of its DEGREE framework, Siemens will enable the technical education of their customersâ future employees and peers to address global sustainability challenges.