As part of the EPC’s New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education initiative, run jointly with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), we will be holding a conference on 18 November 2019 at IET London: Savoy Place.

We will be showcasing changes that have been made to engineering courses since our first conference, a landmark in innovative learning and teaching, two years ago.

The Conference will feature case studies of universities that exemplify innovation in ‘the six facets’ outlined by previous work in the New Approaches initiative:

We are delighted that the programme will feature the stories of 17 different new approaches, all of which have a track record from which other institutions can learn as they share their experience of developing and instigating change.

This is an unmissable event for all teaching staff in engineering, for department heads, and for anyone with an interest in pedagogy and the student learning experience.

The programme can be viewed here.

The Twitter hashtag for the event is #NewApproaches.

Further information
Further information on the New Approaches initiative to date can be found on the EPC website.
Six universities leading the way for change in engineering higher education.

In a new joint document, the IET and the Engineering Professors Council (EPC) have selected several UK institutions that demonstrate successful new approaches to the way engineering courses and programmes can be delivered, which others may look to follow.

Following the success of our joint conference in May 2017, the IET and the EPC have been calling for an evolution in higher education, looking at how more young people can be attracted into the profession, ensuring our education system is producing engineers with the skills to fulfil the needs of the Industrial Strategy.

Our aims are to address the discrepancy between numbers of engineering graduates and the expectations and needs of industry while bringing together those leading or in a position to lead an evolution in engineering education.

Since the conference, our New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education Working Group has proposed six ways that engineering education should be developed in order to create an effective skills pipeline between universities and industry that suits the needs of businesses, educators, students and the UK as a whole, which is lacking at present.

With this publication, we’re offering up case study examples for each of the new approaches that we have identified. Readers will find out which universities we believe are excellent models of where strong progress is being made in areas such as creativity, diversity, project work, industry engagement, work experience and interdisciplinarity. Each case study includes information on the course, the university’s views on the accreditation process and the learning experience from a student’s perspective.

Read the case studies here.

The Engineering Education Research Network is a professional engineering educators’ forum that provides colleagues interested in promoting evidence-based practice in engineering education with the means by which to meet, discuss and exchange ideas, and learn from each other. The network celebrates its fifth anniversary this year and the theme for the event is Time for change! Challenging the status quo in engineering education.


The conference “New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education” will be co-organised by the IET and the EPC. The conference will coincide with the EPC’s Annual General Meeting, on 22 May 2017.

Confirmed speakers are:

The debate will be chaired by Professor John Perkins, former BIS Chief Scientific Adviser and author of the 2013 BIS Review of Engineering Skills.
The programme will also feature presentations from leading innovators in teaching engineering as well as posters from experienced and early career academics.

Save your place – click here (bookings are now closed).

TWITTER: #NewApproaches

The 2013 Annual Meeting of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) will be held June 26-28 2013 in Budapest, Hungary.

The main event will be a one-day topical symposium entitled “Innovative approaches to engineering education” on Thursday, June 27. The content of the June 27 Symposium will be the following: There will be a half-day session on recent innovations in engineering education and a half-day session on the future challenges brought by “digital natives and digital immigrants” and brain-science potential impact on education. The aim of the symposium is to introduce current innovative approaches to engineering education and to share experiences in the field of Brain-science and education (neuro-engineering). The symposium will include keynote speeches by renowned international experts, and topical presentations as well.

The final outcome of the event will be a statement addressed to politicians and decision-makers.

If you have any question please feel free to contact Mrs. Zsuzsanna Sårközi Zågoni, Foreign Secretary of HAE. (E-mail:  or  Phone: 36 1 463 2471)

Joint Conference ERSCP-EMSU: ‘Bridges for a more sustainable future: uniting continents and societies’

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

The ERSCP-EMSU 2013 will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, 4-7 June 2013.

The title and theme of the conference is ‘Bridges for a more sustainable future: uniting continents and societies’.

Important dates for the conference are:
November 30, 2012, deadline for abstracts
March 15, 2013, deadline for full papers (based on accepted abstracts)
June 4-7, 2013, ERSCP-EMSU 2013 in Istanbul

5th University – Business Forum

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

The 5th University – Business Forum will take place in in Brussels, Belgium on the 4th and 5th of June 2013. The event will be organized by the Education and Culture-Department of the European Comission.

The Forum will bring together 300 high-level representatives from; relevant European organisations and associations; Higher Education Institutions; large companies; SME’s, and national, regional and local authorities from Europe and beyond. It will be a unique opportunity to share and discuss your experiences, compare examples of good practice, to network and to learn from each other.
The previous forums were highly successful and all stakeholders welcomed this initiative from the Commission. All participants were convinced that better dialogue and closer cooperation between universities and business can make a substantial and positive contribution to Europe’s efforts to make our education and training systems more effective and efficient, thereby supporting our economic and social development.

The Forum will start in the morning on the 4th of June and finish at 1pm on the 5th. The mornings of the 4th and 5th  June will feature plenary sessions, whereas the afternoon of the  4th will be organised into 4 parallel breakout sessions.

This year’s Forum will address topics related to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial university; change and impact; people and innovation as well as taking a closer look at some of the main current trends in University-Business Cooperation.

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