The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre, Sheffield Hallam University on 14th November 2018 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions Committee Chair, Dr Georgina Harris. Many thanks to SHU for hosting us this year (if you would like to discuss hosting in future, please contact us).


This year’s Engineering Professors’ Council Annual 2018 took place on 14th-16th May at Harper Adams University.

Bringing engineering ethics to life in education, professional development and industry.

The EPC is one of the partners behind a landmark conference at Leeds University bringing engineering ethics to life in education, professional development and industry. This interactive and engaging national conference looks at some of the big ethical challenges facing engineering today and in the future, and how engineers can tackle them. It brings together decision makers from industry, higher education, regulators and professional engineering institutions.

Through questions, discussion and use of technology, delegates will have the opportunity to offer their views and to shape a 10 year vision. To learn more about this event, please access the following resources: Ethics conference programme,  Ethics Conference A5 Flyer

REGISTER HERE for an exclusive EPC discounted rate.


The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Manchester Metropolitan University on 15th November 2017 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions Sub-Committee chair, Dr Georgina Harris.



The Engineering Professors’ Council Annual Congress 2017 took place at the University of Coventry on 11-13 September.

The Degree Apprenticeships Forum was held jointly with the RAEng on 7th July, and involved a discussion of the considerations for academia in the development of DAs in engineering. Peter Lauener, Chief Executive of the Institute for Apprenticeships was the keynote for the event. Please see the ‘Programme’ tab to access the presentations from the day.

The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 9th November 2016 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions Sub-Committee chair, Professor Mike Bramhall, and Deputy Chair, Dr Georgina Harris.

The Engineering Professors Council Annual Congress 2016 was held at the University of Hull from the 4th of September – 6th September 2016.

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