Thinking about neurodiversity? With one in seven people worldwide thought to be neurodivergent, and an estimated 820,000 neurodivergent engineers working in the UK alone, neurodiversity in the engineering community is something we should all be talking about.

This webinar is an opportunity to harness our community for change, to draw from expertise, experience and positive initiatives to address diverse needs and to better understand the contributions that a neurodiverse community makes to engineering.

We know that the voices of the Engineering Academics Network members have the power to address inequality in, and exclusion from, engineering education for those who think differently. If you want to be part of a ground swell for change, come along, share your experiences, be inspired and unleash your passion. This webinar is only the start of EPC’s neurodiversity in engineering commitment. Help us design an inclusive campaign with, not just for, the community.

There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee sub group and REF experts taking place 1st August at 2pm.

This 30 minute webinar will take place Wednesday 5th July at 10.30am and will be followed by the EPC Annual General Meeting 2023 at 11.00am.

Susan Lapworth, the Chief Executive of the Office for Students, the regulator for higher education in England will deliver a short presentation followed by a Q&A, hosted by outgoing EPC President, Professor Mike Sutcliffe.


Our Annual General Meeting this year will be held on Wednesday 5th July. This will be preceded by a 30 minute presentation and Q&A by Susan Lapworth, the Chief Executive of the Office for Students (the regulator of English higher education).

The agenda and papers are available on the tab below.



There will be a meeting of the Congress Steering Group taking place Thursday 11th May at midday.

There will be a meeting of the Sustainability Toolkit Steering Group on Thursday 4th May from 2.00pm – 3.30pm.

Bookings for the EAN Annual Congress are now closed.


Follow proceedings on Twitter #EPCCongress23 @EngProfCouncil

The 2023 Congress theme is New Models, embodied in the fabric of our host, NMITE, who welcome us to their outstanding new sustainable Skylon campus in Hereford from 12th to 14th June.

Join EPC’s resident sector data expert, Stella Fowler, to introduce the new member-only Data explorer through the lens of the latest HESA student enrolments data.

Every year, HESA update their subscription services – we have extracted the engineering highlights so you don’t have to.

Join us for an introduction to the new engineering ethics resources available in our Engineering Ethics Toolkit.

This event is free and open to both EPC members and non-members.

Let us know what you think of our website