One of the key events of the ACED calendar is the Joint Meeting held each Spring by ACED, ICE and IStructE. Heads of Civil & Structural Engineering Departments are invited to the meeting which is hosted, alternately, by one of the two Engineering Institutions.  This year’s meeting is to be held at the Institution of Civil Engineers.
To download the programme: ACED-ISTructE-ICE Programme April 2014
The meeting is sponsored by ICE, IStructE and ACED.  There is no charge to attend, and lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Please indicate your intention to attend by responding to Samina Begum at including your full contact details.

The ACED Annual Conference is to take place at the University of Birmingham on 24 and 25 October 2013.

The 45th EUCEN Conference will be held in the University of Geneva, Charmey, Switzerland on May 29‐31, 2013 and is organised by the European Universities Continuing Education Network.
Transferring Knowledge in a Globalised World: a ULLL Responsibility
EUCEN’s 45th Conference organised by the University of Geneva (CH) will examine the responsibility of ULLL in the knowledge society. What are the models of the future for ULLL in a globalised World? Two main aspects will be explored:
1.    Internationalising universities: Between competition, collaboration and cooperation – the policy of internationalisation for universities
2.    The transfer of knowledge by ICT
The 45th Conference team is gathering case studies of good practices, successful or not, on the Conference theme.
We want to know what your university does to share its knowledge. Why? For whom? With whom? For what purpose? By what means? How? With what risks and difficulties? For what benefits?
The keywords of the Call are:
Governance / Policy and Strategies / International ULLL / Partnerships / Social responsibility, Development and Ethics / Business / Technologies, Pedagogy and tutoring in distance and blended learning / Mobility and learning outcomes
Deadline for contributions 5 April.


You can already register on-line. Prices:
Early bird registration until 15 March – EUCEN 400EUR  /  Non-EUCEN 440EUR
Registration from 16 March – EUCEN members 440EUR   /   Non-EUCEN 480EUR
Join us in the EUCEN experience in Charmey, in the heart of Switzerland! 
Read more:


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