There will be a meeting of the sub group taking place 24th October 2023 at 3pm.

There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee sub group and REF experts taking place 1st August at 2pm.

There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee taking place Tuesday 17th October at 1pm.

There will be a meeting of volunteers from the RIKT committee to discuss toolkits. This will take place Thursday 16th March at 3pm.

There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee taking place Monday 5th June at 9am.

There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee taking place Wednesday 22nd March at 9.30am.

It will include briefings from two external speakers:

There will be a meeting of the RIKT committee taking place 14th December 2022 10.00 – 11.30.

Dates, meeting details, papers and minutes of all Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Committee meetings held in previous years.
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