Engineering UK Inquiry call for evidence – Fit for the future: Growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people

The EPC response to this consultation can be found here.

new inquiry – led by Lord Willetts (Conservative) and Lord Knight (Labourin partnership with EngineeringUKhas been launched to investigate urgent need to grow apprenticeships in engineering, manufacturing and technology. Fit for the future: growing and sustaining engineering and technology apprenticeships for young people’ has now opened its call for evidence.

Aims of the inquiry

  • To examine the reasons behind the decline in engineering, manufacturing and technology apprenticeships over time
  • To better understand the barriers facing young people in pursuing apprenticeships in engineering, manufacturing and technology
  • To identify solutions and good practice which could help to increase the number and diversity of young people starting and completing engineering, manufacturing and technology apprenticeships
  • To contribute to the wider debate about skills reforms, including, for example, Sir Michael Barber’s review

 The call for evidence is seeking evidence, insights and ideas on the following areas:

  • Opportunities – What part do apprenticeships play in helping to meet the UK’s skills needs in engineering and technology?
  • State of play – What are the reasons behind the overall decline in engineering apprenticeship starts in recent years? We are particularly interested in understanding more about supply and demand.
  • Barriers – What are the barriers for businesses taking on young people as apprentices and what are the barriers for young people in accessing them?
  • Solutions – What do you think needs to change to help increase the number and diversity of young people taking up and completing engineering and technology apprenticeships?

Case studies and examples – they are also seeking any approaches which have shown promising results in widening apprenticeship opportunities for young people from all backgrounds.

More information on the inquiry can be found here.

The deadline for responses is 5pm on 27 February 2023. The EPC is preparing an Representative response, drawing on our extensive work with members on degree apprenticeships, culminating in the Experience Enhanced report. If you would like us to highlight specific areas of concern or opportunity, please contact us.

To read more about our responsive approach, view our consultation protocol.


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