Could you be an Ethics champion?

We have a growing community of Ethics Ambassadors who champion the teaching of ethics within engineering and promote our Engineering Ethics Toolkit within their institution or workplace, and we still have a few leadership roles open. This is your opportunity to get involved and help shape the future of the community and the toolkit.


We are seeking to fill the following permanent roles within our Ethics Ambassadors community leadership team:


Two Co-chairs will divide responsibility for:  

  1. Approving membership. 
  2. Arranging, scheduling and leading meetings.  
  3. Creating an agenda for meetings. 
  4. Following up on member actions arising from meetings. 
  5. Other related duties. 

Toolkit Champion (Deputy)

 One lead and one deputy will take responsibility for: 

  1. Seeking ongoing financial support for development of the Toolkit and its promotion. 
  2. Developing a scheme for recognition and reward for use of Toolkit materials. 
  3. Identifying and realising opportunities for promotion of the Toolkit. 
  4. Promoting new Toolkit content, calls for content, events, and so on. 
  5. Other related duties. 

Toolkit Content Co-ordinator – Review & Publication (Lead)

One lead and one deputy will take responsibility for: 

  1. Developing and formalising a robust review process for content submitted for inclusion in the Toolkit. 
  2. Recruiting/nominating non-members with different areas of expertise to become reviewers; maintaining a catalogue of contact details. 
  3. Publishing approved content to the Toolkit. 
  4. Other related duties. 


We are also seeking to fill the following temporary role:

Toolkit Content Co-ordinator – Creation & Sourcing (Deputy)

One lead and one deputy will take responsibility for: 

  1. Identifying key content that is: missing from the Toolkit; in demand by engineering educators; required in order to highlight current and emerging real-world engineering ethics issues. 
  2. Recruiting engineering academics and industry professionals to create this content. 
  3. Handling the content creation process from the initial call through to acceptance by the Content Co-ordinator (Review & Publication). 


Please note that these are voluntary positions that require regular commitment.


To express your interest in any of these roles, in the first instance please contact Sarah Jayne Hitt, or Wendy Attwell,

You can also apply to be a member of the Ethics Ambassadors community, and apply to become a reviewer for new toolkit content.


This post is also available here.

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