26 Jan 2024

Maths for Engineering: Do T levels add up?

Read the findings of the EPC's research project into the suitability of the Maths content of T levels as a pathway into engineering

30 Jan 2024

Webinar: Maths for Engineering – Do T Levels add up?

T Levels are being rolled out as the intended flagship technical alternative to A Levels, but are they suitable as a pathway to Engineering Higher Education? Is the Maths content...

17 Jan 2024

Scoop! EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey Results 2023/24

The results of the of the 2023 EPC Engineering Enrolments survey are now available. Our results can be explored using our members-only Data explorer, through the slide-deck or by reading...

21 Feb 2024

EPC data dive workshop: student completions (HESA) data

This is an Engineering Academic Network members-only workshop to introduce the EPC's advanced online Data portal resource. We are confident this offer will enable engineering HE data analysis for our...

9 Jan 2024

Spotlight on ethics: Power-to-food technologies

Could the shift of food production from soil to chemical industries concentrate power in the hands of a few?

15 Jan 2024

Steering Group Meeting - Congress 2024

The next Steering Group meeting will take place on the 15th January 2024

26 Dec 2023

EPC response to OfS consultation on inclusion of Higher Technical Qualifications in student outcome measures

The EPC responsed to the Office for Students (OfS) is consultation on the introduction of a separate “split indicator” for higher technical qualifications (HTQs) to enable the regulation of student...

15 Dec 2023

Engineering Ethics - Phase 4 plan

Phase 4 plans for the Engineering Ethics Toolkit.

15 Dec 2023

Sustainability Toolkit - Phase 2 plan

For both the Sustainability and Engineering Ethics toolkits, the strategy for promotion and dissemination will focus on 3 priorities: a.     Build awareness of the toolkit by highlighting the need/problem and...

15 Jan 2024

RA Committee Meeting 15th January 2024

There will be a meeting of the RA committee taking place Monday 15th January at midday.

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