World Congress on Engineering Education
This Congress is organized by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations – Committee of Education in Engineering (WFEO-CEIE) in collaboration with the Federation of Lebanese Engineers (FLE), the Federation of...
UCL Centre for Engineering Education: New models in engineering education
Amidst continued discourse around a projected shortfall of engineering talent and talk of deregulation of HE coming from Government, this event seeks to explore how the higher education landscape may...
Engineering conversion course pilot scheme – Invitation to bid for funding
HEFCE is inviting applications for new funding to support the development of conversion courses in engineering (England only). This pilot scheme aims to help the higher education sector develop more...
EPC former President Helen Atkinson meets Will.I.Am
September 15/16 2015 The Chinese Academy of Engineering recently hosted a major international summit on Global Grand Challenges, a series inspired by the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering , 14 ambitious goals...
The European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) invites feedback on position paper on engineering skills
SEFI invites comments and feedback on this Position Paper and a longer discussion paper which will be available at from October. Input will be reviewed by the SEFI Working ...
HEFCE: Future Approaches to Quality Assessment
This consultation ran from June to August 2015. This consultation sought to attain views on the proposals of the three higher education (HE) funding bodies in England, Wales and Northern...
Programme analysis of HEFCE’s Postgraduate Support Scheme: Final report published
HEFCE has now published its report on the Postgraduate Support Scheme pilot. EPC members will recall that Paul Wakeling of the University of York was commissioned to conduct an evaluation...
AAU Student Conference and AGM 2015
The AAU Student Conference and AGM will be the grand finale event for the season. The Programme consists of the agendas for the Committee meeting & the AGM, and, the...
Consultation on GCSE and A level Statistics
Dear all Consultations are also open on GCSE and A level Statistics. Â Please find links to both below: Ofqual consultation DfE consultation
Consultation on reform of GCSE, AS and A level Electronics qualifications
Dear all, It was announced this morning that DfE has confirmed that the development work for the reformed GCSE, AS and A level Electronics qualifications will continue through to the...
European Aeronautics Science Network Workshop
The 5th EASN International Workshop aims, like its acclaimed annual predecessors, to offer a forum for discussion and exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and development activities, this year in...
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry on the science budget
The Science and Technology Committee undertook an inquiry into the Science Budget, and to report ahead of the Spending Review. The committee began by taking oral evidence in July 2015...
Children as Engineers - inspiring a generation...
“I've really enjoyed this project because not only did I feel like I was teaching a class, I felt like I was teaching a generation.” Student Engineer At its 2014...
New GCSEs, AS and A levels for first teaching from 2017 - Engineering
These consultations ask for views on reformed subject content for a number of GCSE, AS and A level subjects which will be first taught in schools from 2017. and...