1 Aug 2016

Lord Stern’s Review of the Research Excellence Framework

President of the British Academy Lord Nicholas Stern was commissioned by the government to carry out the review of the Research Excellence Framework (REF). The independent report "Building on Success and...

19 Jul 2016

Could your students inspire the engineers of the future?

Teaching physics is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind as a career for an engineering graduate. However, it is a rewarding, valuable and important occupation and engineers...

19 Jul 2016

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – Accelerated courses and switching university or degree

This call for evidence ran from May 2016 to July 2016. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills aimed to gauge demand from students for more switching between universities and...

12 Jul 2016

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – Teaching Excellence Framework. Technical consultation for year 2

This consultation ran from May to July 2016. This consultation sought to attain views on the detailed proposals for the operation of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) in year 2,...

18 Nov 2016 - 19 Nov 2016

Engineering Inspiration: WES Student Conference 2016

The WES Annual student conference is open to female engineering students, mainly UG but also some PG. It is ideal for networking with fellow students, potential employers and young professional female engineers....

6 Jul 2016

EPC Degree Apprenticeships Toolkit

[toolkit_landing_page_search]In September 2015 the first university-business co-developed Degree Apprenticeship programmes were launched - having been designed and eligible for funding under the government’s new model for apprenticeship training. [caption id="attachment_114600"...

5 Jul 2016

Placements Toolkits

[toolkit_landing_page_search]Our two Placements Toolkits (previously Contextual Learning Toolkits) address the recommendations of the Perkins Review of Engineering Skills and the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Universe of Engineering Report about engineering...

21 Oct 2016

The John Barnes Student Conference

As in recent years, the AAU will be running the John Barnes Conference for students who have just completed an Individual Project on their degree; however, this year we are...

28 Jun 2016

Professor Helen Atkinson among ‘Top 50 Women in Engineering’

An inaugural list of the top 50 Women in Engineering, featuring former EPC President and University of Leicester Head of Engineering Professor Helen Atkinson, was published in the Daily Telegraph...

15 Jun 2016

“Children as Engineers – Paired Peer Mentors in Primary Schools”

EPC’s Engaging in Engineering Public Engagement Grant Award 2014 At its 2014 Congress, the Engineering Professors' Council launched a public engagement funding call: Engaging in Engineering.  One of the two winning projects...

3 Jun 2016

Challenges of introducing and designing new engineering programmes...

Grant Campbell and Daniel Belton at the University of Huddersfield have just published this useful paper about introducing a new programme in a high cost subject at a time of...

5 Jul 2016

AAU Committee meeting followed by technical discussion on aerospace materials

The next AAU Committee meeting will be held during the afternoon of Tuesday 5th July at the University of Hertfordshire starting at 1pm. The main item in the Committee meeting...

24 May 2016

GEDC Airbus Diversity Award 2016

The Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) Airbus Diversity Award is sponsored by Airbus and aims to encourage and acknowledge work that inspires students of all profiles and backgrounds to study and succeed in...

16 May 2016

ACED Annual Heads of Department Meeting 2016

The 2016 meeting was held on 16 May 2016 at the ICE offices at 1 Great George Street, London Programme Links to files from the meeting are below: Welcome to ACED...

17 May 2016

HE White Paper: Success as a Knowledge Economy published

The much-anticipated Wakeham and Shadbolt Reviews were published this week (16th May) alongside the Higher Education White Paper giving the sector much to chew over. To read the HE White...

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