Engineering Ethics Toolkit in the news
The #EngineeringEthicsToolkit as featured in external news articles, blogs, podcasts etc.
PHEE Annual Conference (in conjunction with AiME and co-sponsored by EPC)
We are pleased to invite you to attend the annual PHEE-AiME Conference which will now be delivered online in a half day.
UK Engineering Deans Meeting 12th June 2024
Office for Students consultation on the approach to public grant funding
The EPC response to this consultation can be found here. The OfS is considering how the Regulator should use funding made available by government to benefit students, taxpayers and the...
Congress Steering Group Meeting 23rd April 2024
The next Congress Steering Group meeting will take place Tuesday 23rd April 9am - 10:30am
Rep Support 2024: Session 3
This online session is your perfect introduction to being an EPC representative: what it involves, what's in it for you, and how you can do the best job possible for...
Rep Support 2024: Session 2
This online session is your perfect introduction to being an EPC representative: what it involves, what's in it for you, and how you can do the best job possible for...
Rep Support 2024: Session 1
This online session is your perfect introduction to being an EPC representative: what it involves, what's in it for you, and how you can do the best job possible for...
Congress Steering 8th April 2024
EPC engineering enrolments survey: your views are important to us
Every autumn, the EPC conducts a survey of our member universities to determine an indicative snapshot of engineering undergraduate and postgraduate enrolments across the sector. We are grateful to our...
Blog: There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.
Mike Murray, [Senior Teaching Fellow in Construction Management], discusses how he developed and implemented a teaching resource in the Sustainability Toolkit, and what he’s learned from integrating it into his...
Guest blog: Why did you decide to be an engineer?
The inspiring keynote from 3rd year Chemical Engineering student Kayley Thacker that took the Royal Academy of Engineering by storm at the launch of Engineers 2030 and the EPC's own...
Guest blog: Embracing Neurodiversity in Engineering: A path to better understanding
For Neurodiversity Celebration Week, today's guest blog visits what we know and what we don't know about neurodiversity in HE engineering. Prof Beverley Gibbs PhD CEng FIET is Director...