Topic: Engineering Professors' Council

article - Consultations

Ingenious resilience: messages for a new Government

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article - Toolkits

IP for engineers...

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event - Community event: AAU

AAU Committee Meeting and Seminar

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article - News

Pre election Budget 2015

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event - EPC Event

Engineering Professors' Council 21st Annual General Meeting

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event - Community event: COMEH

13th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2015)

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event - Community event: ACED

EPC sectoral group Association of Civil Engineering Departments (ACED) Conference 2015

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event - Community event: CPHC

Council of Professors and Heads of Computing Conference 2015

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article - Events

Royal Society-CaSE Science Ministers' Debate 2015

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publication - EPC newsletters

Newsletter December 2014

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