As the Government concludes its National Curriculum Review, this timely seminar focuses on content of the proposed new Programme of Study (PoS) for Maths, due to be introduced into schools from September 2014, spanning Key Stages 1-4, as well as the practical implementation challenges for schools.
It will bring together key policymakers with school and college leaders, teaching unions, universities, publishers, awarding bodies, employers and wider stakeholders.
Areas for discussion include:
- The content of the new Programme of Study (PoS) for Key Stages 1-4 – including the balance between pure mathematics and functional numeracy, and whether the PoS supports cross-curricular learning with the proposed curriculum PoS’ for Science and ICT;
- How content of the proposed PoS compares with the curricula of other nations with leading outcomes in numeracy and Maths more widely;
- The teaching of Maths – including the balance between prescription and teacher freedom, whether the new training bursaries will affect the recruitment and retention of mathematics graduates as teachers and the possibilities presented by technology to create innovative teaching approaches; and
- How the curriculum fits with the proposed extension of compulsory Maths to age 18 and whether Maths GCSE, or their possible replacement qualifications, should be split to cover practical, core numeracy skills and, separately, more advanced and applied mathematics.
We are delighted to be able to include in this seminar keynote addresses from: Jane Jones HMI, National Adviser for Maths, Ofsted; Professor Marcus du Sautoy, Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford and speaker confirmed from the Department for Education.
Further confirmed speakers include: Lynn Churchman, Trustee, National Numeracy and Chair, National Association of Mathematics Advisers; Rob Eastaway, Director, Maths Inspiration and Author, Maths for Mums and Dads; Professor Jeremy Hodgen, Professor of Mathematics Education, King’s College London; Dr Sue Pope, Mathematics Education Tutor, University of Manchester and Chair, Association of Teachers of Mathematics General Council; Charlie Stripp, Chief Executive, Mathematics in Education and Industry and Keith Todd, Headteacher, Greenway Academy, Horsham.
Additional senior participants are being approached.
Booking arrangements
A discount is available for EPC members. Please contact us for details.
To book places, please use the Westminster Higher Education Forum online booking form. Once submitted, this will be taken as a confirmed booking and will be subject to Westminster Higher Education Forum’s terms and conditions.
Venue: Central London TBA