Westminster Higher Education Forum event: the way forward for STEM subjects for higher education


Timed to follow both the House of Lords Science and Technology Sub-Committee Inquiry and subsequent Government response, delegates will look at the quality and content of STEM degree programmes; how schools, colleges, universities, industry and Government can work together to encourage greater uptake among home students of STEM subjects at university; and whether the quality and availability of careers advice and guidance for students is sufficient to prepare graduates for entry into the labour market for high-end sectors. They will also discuss how university-industry collaboration can be harnessed to deliver improvements in these areas, along with the UK’s comparative performance with other leading economies.

See http://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/forums/event.php?eid=475 for more details or to book.Ā  EPC members receive a 15% discount. Please contact the EPC office for the discount code.

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