Webinar – Pathways into HE: shifting landscapes

Online event free 

An EAN Access and Admissions Forum event

This webinar will explore and explain the raft of new and planned entry qualification into Engineering HE. It will spotlight the Lifelong Loan Entitlement, T level pathways and the Advanced British Standard as a taster for the 2023 Access and Admissions Forum.

To whet your appetite for the main event, the EPC is hosting two pre-event webinars to introduce the key topics. For information, come along to our webinars. For interaction, networking and deep dive discussion, join us in person at City University, London on Tuesday 12th December. We hope many of you will attend all three sessions. You can book on this webinar below, and on An audience with John Blake here.

The webinars are free to members. Non-members should book a place at the in-person forum in London on 12th December to reserve a place on either webinar.

The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) will be introduced for the 2025-26 academic year and universities are already admitting early T level adopters onto engineering courses. Hear from the Department for Education’s leads on LLE and T levels, and the Engineering Council, in preparation for a fully interactive delegate workshop on the topics at the in-person Forum on 12th December.

Can full-time accredited degree courses realistically be broken up into stand-alone part-time modules? What about the alignment with engineering accreditation; will there be a disconnect between what qualification content might belong at different levels and what level of learning outcome might be expected – and how this might relate to international engineering accords? Could engineering benefit from subject changeability through the adoption of try-before-you buy engineering modules at levels 4 and 5 as alternative routes to level 6 which would serve to introduce the subject which is largely not taught in schools? What about study across multiple subjects and providers and the mobility of engineering students in city and rural areas? With regulation on OfS’ mind, have you considered how tricky “continuation”, “completion”, and “progression” might be for short courses which are intended to enable students to study, train, retrain and upskill?

There is a lot to get our heads around, so early engagement on this important topic is crucial.

This is the first of two webinars to introduce the Access and Admissions Forum on the 12th December at City, University of London.

22nd November @ 2pm


  • Georgia Scoot-Morrissey – Senior Policy Advisor for T Levels at the Department of Education
  • Rob Dennis –Stakeholder Engagement Advisor for Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) at the Department for Education
  • Catherine Elliott – Education and Skills Manager at the Engineering Council

The webinar will last 1 hour and 30 minutes.


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