Technology Subjects in the National Curriculum

Education for Engineering (E4E) invites you to a conference examining the new Programmes of Study for Design and Technology and ICT in the National Curriculum.
Matthew Hancock MP, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Business and Education will present the Government’s view of the new curricula and there will be opportunities to take part in discussions on the Programmes of Study and the wider issues around the future of practical technical education in schools which will feed into our response to the National Curriculum Review. A full agenda for the event is below.

HOW TO REGISTER This free event is open to all organisations and individuals with an interest in STEM education. There are a limited number of places for this event and we anticipate that the event will be oversubscribed, so please register as quickly as possible.

Click on the link below to take you through to the Royal Academy of Engineering event registration portal.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Dr Rhys Morgan by email

09.30 Registration, Tea, Coffee
10.00 Welcome
Dick Olver FREng Chairman BAE Systems, Chair E4E
10.15 Government's view
Matthew Hancock MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Business and Education
10.45 View from the National Curriculum Review Expert Panel
Tim Oates Chair Expert Panel, Cambridge Assessment (TBC)
11.15 ICT Programme of Study
Prof Simon Peyton Jones Chair ICT draft curriculum group, Chair CAS
11.35 D&T Programme of study
Andy Mitchell Assistant CEO, DATA
12.00 Panel discussion
Chair: Prof Matthew Harrison Director Education and Engineering, Royal Academy of Engineering
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Programmes of Study discussion break out groups
a) DT curriculum review
b) ICT curriculum review
15.00 Conference Ends
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