Recruitment and Admissions Forum 2021 webinar series

Online event  

The EPC is delighted to announce the annual Recruitment & Admissions Forum, a web series again this year, with the theme ‘Doing it differently’. Building on our popular webcasts over the last 18 months, we are offering you three distinct online events – totally free to members – during November and December. As always, our line-up of speakers is second to none.

EPC RECRUITMENT & ADMISSIONS FORUM WEB SERIES: Doing it differently – Getting in: Entrance requirements, 24th November 2021

We open our Recruitment & Admissions Forum with a deep dive into widening access, increasing diversity and the role of admissions.

How are different types of provider challenging established practice? What is the place and power of entry requirements? How can we do it differently?

To explore these themes and look for innovative solutions, we will float a series of provocative blue-sky ideas and invite our panel of experts – and our audience – to explore what we could do differently. Do we need entry requirements? Is Maths A level important? Should we be more radical with contextual offers and other levers for diverse student recruitment? The confirmed panel experts include:

  • Prof Judy Raper, Dean and CEO of TEDI-London
  • Elena Liquete, Head of Professional Development, Recruitment & Student Experience at The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Liz Jones, Vice-Dean Elect – Education, CEGE Director of Studies, Associate Professor (Teaching), UCL Engineering Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering

Introduced by Prof Georgina Harris, who will provide our provocative debate topics.


EPC RECRUITMENT & ADMISSIONS FORUM WEB SERIES: Doing it differently – Getting out there: International students and postgrads, 1 December 2021

Continuing our Recruitment & Admissions Forum Doing it Differently theme, we’ll be looking at innovative practice in recruiting international and PGT students.

We are honoured to be joined by Vivienne Stern, Director of Universities UK International, to present an overview of what can be done differently in the competitive landscape to attract international postgraduate students in the light of Brexit and the Covid pandemic.

This will be followed by a Q&A with Vivienne and a panel discussion to explore different perspectives between providers and over time. The confirmed speakers include:

  • Prof Adam Clare, Director of Admissions for Engineering, The University of Nottingham
  • Mohamed Elmaghbi, previous Director of Admissions for Engineering, The University of Nottingham
  • Bobby Mehta, BUILA Chair, Lead DfE,OfS, UUKi and Director of UoP Global, University of Portsmouth
  • Mike Nicholson, Director of Recruitment, Admissions and Participation at the University of Cambridge
  • Prof Simon Pollard OBE, Pro Vice Chancellor International & Recruitment, Cranfield University


EPC RECRUITMENT & ADMISSIONS FORUM WEB SERIES: Doing it differently – Getting on: Lifelong Learning, 8 December 2021

The third in our 2021 Recruitment & Admissions Forum Series with a deep dive into lifelong learning. How can we realise a vision for lifelong learning? What can we do differently to maximise the impact of policy change?

Introduced by Martin Eason, University of Wolverhampton, who will outline provocative ideas about what we could do differently to promote lifelong learning for discussion by our lively panel of experts and our audience. The confirmed speakers include:

  • Prof Gareth Neighbour, Head of School – Engineering & Innovation, The Open University
  • Prof Bev Gibbs, Chief Academic Officer, New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)
  • Andy Forbes, Principal and Chief Executive, City of Bristol College
  • Jessica Leigh Jones MBE, Co-Founder and CEO, iungo Solutions

We close the series with the launch of the EPC Engineering Enrolments Survey results, including the opportunity for questions.

The Forum is aimed at all staff involved in recruitment and admissions in any engineering discipline – from early career staff through lecturers and researchers to department heads, deans of faculties, PVCs and VCs – anyone with an interest in recruitment and admissions who wishes to stay on top of the unprecedented changes and to develop their strategy and practice.

As Chief Academic Officer in the UK's first fully independent greenfield HE provider in 40 years, I have a rewarding and busy time leading the academic, quality assurance, student experience and registry teams. My approach to higher education leadership draws on a career that has spanned production engineering, research, commercial leadership in engineering, and approaching 15 years as an academic. I love working with students now as much as I did when I was a postdoc, and am as passionate about the future of engineering as I was when I was an apprentice.

Professor Judy Raper has been Dean & CEO of TEDI-London since its incorporation in June, 2019. She joined TEDI-London after a sustained career in Academia in Australia and the USA, most recently as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at the University of Wollongong, a post she held for the last 10 years and senior roles the National Science Foundation, and Missouri University of Science and Technology in the USA, and the first (and only) female Dean of Engineering at the University of Sydney. She currently serves as a non-executive Director of Waterco Pty. Ltd., an ASX listed company as well as a member of the NLA Expert Panel on Education; an Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) Accreditor and a member of the Leadership group for the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Education Forum Professor Raper’s achievements and awards have spanned many years, including being named a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), named as one of Australia’s 100 most influential engineers, and one of Australia’s 10 Leading female Engineers in 2019. She also has an award for Leadership in Engineering named in her honour by UNSW.

Georgina is Director of Engineering at The University of Salford. She joined the university after working at Manchester Metropolitan University for over five years where she held the post of Head of School of Engineering and Associate Dean. Georgina is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with an Engineering Doctorate. She holds two Master’s Degrees: one in Mechanical Engineering and the other in Business Administration. She is a passionate advocate for engineering with a firm belief that it can solve the world’s grand challenges and improve daily life for everyone. Georgina also feels that engineering has the potential to provide social mobility for our successful graduates.

The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology

UCL Engineering Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering

The University of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham

BUILA Chair, Lead DfE,OfS, UUKi and Director of UoP Global University of Portsmouth

University of Cambridge

Cranfield University

University of Wolverhampton

The Open University

City of Bristol College

Iungo Solutions
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