Perkins Review One Year On Report launched at Tomorrow’s Engineers Week 2014

An impressive group gathered at Shell UK's London headquarters this morning (3rd November, 2014) to launch Tomorrow's Engineers week 2014.
Erik Bonino, Chairman of Shell UK (pictured) and Vince Cable the Business Secretary spoke passionately about the need to feed the pipeline of engineers to ensure we have sufficient to meet industry's needs.

They endorsed warmly the Review of Engineering Skills led by Professor John Perkins, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (also pictured), who also attended to launch his "One Year On" report which has brought together an array of partners - professional engineering institutions, universities, schools, FE colleges and businesses - to address the need at every level from schools to postgraduate specialist skills.

The Engineering Professors' Council leads the work, on behalf of Education for Engineering, on postgraduate specialist skills.

Please click here for more information regarding the Perkins Review Progress Report.
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