There will be a meeting of the EES committee taking place Monday 6th October at 10am.

There will be a meeting of the EES committee taking place Tuesday 20th May at 10am.

There will be a meeting of the EES committee taking place Monday 3rd February at 10.30am.

There will be a meeting of the EES committee taking place Wednesday 23rd October at 10.30am.

There will be a meeting of the EPC Board taking place Thursday 5th December at 9.15am.

We are convening a special urgent meeting of the RIKT Committee on Thursday 29th August at 2pm to discuss responses to new plans for REF 2029 and the nominations process for REF Panel members.

Meeting papers will be distributed prior to the meeting.


There will be a meeting of the Congress 2025 steering group taking place Wednesday 18th September at 10am.

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