The AAU Student Conference and AGM will be the grand finale event for the season.

The Programme consists of the agendas for the Committee meeting & the AGM, and, the Student Conference which has always proved to be most enjoyable.

Dr Mike Bromfield ( at Coventry University will be the host this year. Please inform him your dietary requirements if you intend to attend. Please also inform him (with name, affiliation and car registration) if you will need a car parking space (available on a first come first served basis).

The 5th EASN International Workshop aims, like its acclaimed annual predecessors, to offer a forum for discussion and exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and development activities, this year in the field of Aerostructures.

The goal is to share high quality, current achievements and new upstream ideas for future research, from running or recently completed European and International research activities in Aeronautics and Air Transport.

In that frame, we are pleased to announce that the Abstract Submission deadline has been extended to June 15th, 2015. Selected papers will be published following peer review in a special issue of the International Journal of Structural Integrity (IJSI) of Emerald Group Publishing.

The 2015 meeting was held on 22 May 2015 at the IStructE offices at 47-58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3P


Links to files from the meeting are below:

Welcome to ACED

Welcome to the IStructE

Session 1 – Student Retention

Session 2 – Research

Overview of ICE Activities

Session 3 – Student Recruitment


Coming as the HE sector prepares for the introduction of student loans for taught postgraduate students in 2016, and as those in receipt of HEFCE’s interim bursaries begin their programmes, delegates will consider the impact that postgraduate loans will have on student numbers across universities and courses, including the progression of these students to PGR level study.
For more information and booking

The Manufacturing Industry Education Research Group (MIERG) at the Institute for Manufacturing is hosting the 3rd Annual Engineering Education Research (EER) Network Symposium in Cambridge. The EER Network used to be known as the EER SIG when it was supported by the HEA. As many of you are aware, the HEA is now focused on a smaller portfolio of work and the EER SIG Steering Group took the decision to carry on the activities of the SIG as an independent network to serve the community of EER researchers in the UK and Ireland.

Abstract Submission deadline is 3rd August 2015. For more details, click here.

The 5th EASN International Workshop aims, like its acclaimed annual predecessors, to offer a forum for discussion and exchange of information about state-of-the-art research and development activities, this year in the field of Aerostructures. The goal is to share high quality, current achievements and new upstream ideas for future research, from running or recently completed European and International research activities in Aeronautics and Air Transport.
In that frame, we are pleased to announce that the Abstract Submission deadline has been extended to June 15th, 2015. Selected papers will be published following peer review in a special issue of the International Journal of Structural Integrity (IJSI) of Emerald Group Publishing.

Registration is necessary in order to participate. To ensure that you will be a part of the event, please register and take advantage of the early bird registration fees which are offered at a discounted rate until June 15th, 2015!

Up to now, more than 15 ongoing Aerostructures related research projects have already confirmed their participation, most of them with dedicated project sessions. In this respect, the 5th EASN International Workshop is expected to foster the cooperation and interaction between them on a multidisciplinary basis serving as a forum to exchange novel and innovative ideas for future research.

For more information, see the workshop leaflet.

The structure of the event will emphasize into the enhancement of synergies between researchers through interactive sessions.
As such, the 5th EASN Workshop presents an excellent opportunity for discussing, networking and creating synergies for future collaborations on a bilateral basis or in the frame of multilateral projects. To get more information on the event, please contact us at

The Higher Education Academy is holding an Enhancement Event for academics in Higher Education in Cardiff on 2nd July.  There are a number of streams to the day including a New-to-teaching qualitative research methods & a New-to-teaching in laboratory-based subjects.

Engineering is a priority area for the Welsh Government and we feel that it would be appropriate to dedicate a full day workshop/workshops to the discipline as part of the Enhancement Event.  Current thinking is that there will be a morning session on Excellence in Engineering Teaching and then look at areas specific to the Welsh agenda in the afternoon, however suggestions are invited regarding the draft programme.

If you feel you would like to contribute to the workshops please contact Karen Fraser (Consultant in Academic Practice, Innovative Pedagogies) at to discuss your ideas.

The Higher Education Academy is holding an Enhancement Event for academics in Higher Education in Cardiff on 2nd July.  There are a number of streams to the day including a New-to-teaching qualitative research methods & a New-to-teaching in laboratory-based subjects.

As you no doubt know, Engineering is a priority area for the Welsh Government and we feel that it would be appropriate to dedicate a full day workshop/workshops to the discipline as part of the Enhancement Event.  Our current thinking is that we have a morning session on Excellence in Engineering Teaching and then look at areas specific to the Welsh agenda in the afternoon however we are open to suggestions regarding the draft programme.  If you feel you would like to contribute to the workshops please contact Karen Fraser, Consultant in Academic Practice (Innovative Pedagogies) at to discuss your ideas.




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