The annual ACED Conference took place this year on the 3rd and 4th of November 2016 at the University of the Sheffield.

ACED ConferenceSheffield – Nov 2016 – Final Programme

Research and Ideas for Practice

Centre for Engineering Education, UCL, London

Join us for this informative and lively symposium on inclusion in engineering education. Our aim is to bring together key researchers and practitioners who are pushing forward the inclusion agenda, from inclusion in engineering design and innovation, course structure and delivery as well as building an inclusive learning environment i.e. culture. The forum will hear how and why gender is and should be included in engineering courses. Have you thought for example about how gender affects car design or wearable technology? How would you teach this?

The programme includes keynote speakers from Germany and Australia, a student discussion forum and a Pecha Kucha (20 images shown for 20 seconds) session as well as discussion groups. Bring along your own ideas, research and practice. Or simply come to learn and collect examples of good practice.

The event is supported by The Royal Academy of Engineering and we shall be producing a summary report.

There is a small charge of ÂŁ150 that includes attendance and symposium refreshments with an additional charge for the dinner.

Participation from academics in higher and further education as well as industry is welcomed.

For further details contact: +44 0797 4011278

Engineers Without Borders UK are co-organising two workshops with the University of Leeds Inter-Disciplinary Applied Ethics Centre during spring 2016 to develop a Declaration of Global Responsibility for Engineers.

The goals of the workshops are to:

The first workshop will be held on Friday 26th February 2016 in London, you have the option of attending our morning or afternoon session.
Spaces are very limited so please sign up now if you’d like to attend.

The 2016 Professors and Heads of Electrical Engineering Conference (PHEE), in conjunction with PHOMME (Professors and Heads of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) was held at the IET, Savoy Place, London on 13th January, 2016. The presentations that were made available by the speakers for publication may be downloaded via the links below.

Theme: The Future of Engineering and Technology in Higher Education

Conference Programme

Session 1   Developments in Engineering Education
Chair Prof John Senior, Hertfordshire

Keynote Address: Issues and Developments in HE – Prof Madelaine Atkins, CEO, HEFCE

Teaching Excellence Framework – Prof Sean Ryan, Higher Education Academy (HEA)

New Model in Technology and Engineering– Prof Peter Goodhew, (NMITE), Hereford

Engineering University Reflections on running a branch campus – Prof Ian Pashby, University of Hull

IET Academic Partners – Jake Godfrey, IET Academic Account Manager

Session 2   Major Engineering Opportunities
Chair Prof Clive Neal Sturgess, Birmingham

Keynote Address: Is the employability of engineering graduates good enough? – Prof Sir William Wakeham, Vice President, Royal Academy of Engineering

HS2 and the Digital Revolution in our Railway Systems – Prof Clive Roberts, University of Birmingham

Tidal Energy: Prospects for the Future – Prof Chris Binnie, previously Chairman of the Thames Tideway Strategy Steering Group

Spectrum Crunch – An impetus for LiFi – Dr Wasiu Popoola, University of Edinburgh

Session 3   Demand for Graduate Engineers
Chair Prof John Robinson, York

Meeting the demand for graduate Engineers in the Engineering/Manufacturing Sectors – Verity O’Keefe, Employment and Skills Policy, Engineering Employers Federation

UK Electronics Skills Foundation: Tackling the graduate skills shortage in the Electronics Sector – Stewart Edmonson, CEO, UK Electronics Skills Foundation

“Engineering Education on Top of the World: Industry University Cooperation”

Organised by the Tampere University of Technology – 12-15 September 2016, Tampere, Finland.

Subthemes include but are not limited to:

• University-Business cooperation

• Engineering Skills

• Sustainability and Engineering Education

• Quality Assurance and Accreditation

• Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning

• Open and Online Engineering Education

• Ethics in Engineering Education

• Curriculum Development

• Attractiveness of Engineering Education

• Physics and Engineering Education

• Engineering Education Research

• Gender and Diversity


More details

Schools of Engineering at the Forefront of Meeting Development Challenges

Discussing the future of Engineering Education in the original agora of our technological and democratic roots. ECED is an annual event that brings together Deans of Engineering* on current issues in engineering research and education. – A Dean is a person in charge of an engineering college, school, faculty, institution of higher education also focused on engineering or a deans’ council/organization. 

ECED is organised jointly by NTUA, CESAER and SEFI, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, and the Greek Ministry of Culture, and is hosted by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in the Acropolis Museum of Athens.

The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on 11th November 2015 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions sub Committee chair, Professor Mike Bramhall and Deputy Chair, Dr Georgina Harris.

The 2015 Professors and Heads of Electrical Engineering Conference (PHEE), in conjunction with PHOMME (Professors and Heads of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) was held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Birdcage Walk, London on 14th January, 2015. The presentations that were made available by the speakers for publication may be downloaded via the links below.

Theme: REF 2014 outcomes and beyond

Conference Programme

Session 1   Future of Engineering
Chair Prof Clive Neal Sturgess, Birmingham
KEYNOTE ADDRESS:  Future of engineering  – Sir Peter Luff, M.P., previously Chairman of BIS Select Committee and former defence minister
The future need for engineering graduates and methods for widening participation – Paul Jackson, CEO, EngineeringUK
Future of university and industry interaction – David Docherty, CEO, National Centre for Universities and Business
Discussion panel

Session 2  REF Review and Future of Engineering Research
Chair Prof John Senior, Hertfordshire
KEYNOTE ADDRESS:  REF 2014 outcomes and developments towards the next REF, David Sweeney, Director (Research, Innovation and Skills), HEFCE
REF Sub Panel Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing Engineering, Prof Robert Parkin, Sub Panel Member
Discussion panel

Session 3  REF Review and Future of Engineering Research (cont’d)
Chair:  Prof John Robinson, University of York
Reflections of a REF Sub Panel Chair in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,   Metallurgy and Materials – Prof Stephen Williamson, Sub Panel Chair
REF Sub Panel General Engineering , Prof Stephanie Haywood, Sub Panel Member
REF Sub Panel Computer Science and Informatics, Prof Morris Sloman, Deputy Chair
Discussion Panel

This Congress is organized by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations – Committee of Education in Engineering (WFEO-CEIE) in collaboration with the Federation of Lebanese Engineers (FLE), the Federation of Arab Engineers (FAE), the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

The Congress themes are:

Amidst continued discourse around a projected shortfall of engineering talent and talk of deregulation of HE coming from Government, this event seeks to explore how the higher education landscape may change in response.

Our speakers will bring differing, but complementary perspectives to open the conversation. As usual we will encourage our audience to take an active part in the proceedings.

We expect our collective crystal ball gazing to alight on areas such as the future role of accreditation, relationships with industry, fast track degrees, the emergence of private providers and the Teaching Excellence Framework.

Leading the conversation:
Kel Fidler (previously Chairman, Engineering Council and former Vice Chancellor of Northumbria University)
Karen Usher (Co Team Leader, New University for Herefordshire Project)


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