Guests of Honour
A senior speaker confirmed from the Department for Education
Professor Sir Adrian Smith, Vice Chancellor, University of London and Lead, 16-18 Mathematics Review

Please note the date of this seminar has changed.
Timed to follow the publication of Sir Adrian Smith’s review into the potential for improving the quality and increasing the scale of the study of mathematics from 16 to 18, this seminar will consider the next steps for reforming maths qualifications post-16.

Delegates will discuss issues including whether maths should be made compulsory for students until the age of 18 and ensuring that the future workforce has appropriate mathematical and quantitative skills. They will also consider steps that need to be taken to overcome barriers to increased provision and take-up of Mathematics post-16, including teacher supply and financial constraints.

The implementation of the new Mathematics A-levels will also be discussed, following the publication of specifications and ahead of the start of teaching in September 2017. Attendees will assess the impact of the new linear structure of the A-levels, as well as their altered emphasis and content.
Further sessions will consider measures to tackle the ongoing recruitment and retention issues in maths teaching, highlighted by the recent AoC and TES survey and the additional demand on the profession posed by the proposals for students failing to achieve a ‘good pass’ at GCSE to retake the exams.

For further details and to book your place, follow link Central London (booking for this event is now closed).

The conference “New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education” will be co-organised by the IET and the EPC. The conference will coincide with the EPC’s Annual General Meeting, on 22 May 2017.

Confirmed speakers are:

The debate will be chaired by Professor John Perkins, former BIS Chief Scientific Adviser and author of the 2013 BIS Review of Engineering Skills.
The programme will also feature presentations from leading innovators in teaching engineering as well as posters from experienced and early career academics.

Save your place – click here (bookings are now closed).

TWITTER: #NewApproaches

This event will be held at The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June 2017.

The campus lies about 2 km east of the airport (code TOS) and 4 km north of Tromsø city centre where the recommended hotel (Comfort Hotel Xpress Tromsø) is located.

The island itself where all three sites are located has a lot to offer with its breathtaking scenery and is linked via bridges on both sides to neighbouring land masses.

A Partners Programme will be discussed later depending on the numbers and local events taking place. Since we’ll be a long way north of the Arctic circle, be prepared for the midnight sun.

Please follow the link for contact details and a provisional timetable for the two days. A light lunch will be provided on both days for the delegates. A self-financed dinner is planned for the evening of the 15th.

If you are intending to attend, please book as early as possible to keep the costs down.

The PHEE-PHOMME Annual Conference 2017 will take place on Wednesday 11th January 2017 at the IMechE, Birdcage Walk, London

“The Future of Teaching and Research in HE”

Keynote speakers:
The Rt. Hon. Paul Blomfield, MP – Shadow Minister (Exiting the European Union), with interests in Universities and Education
Prof. Julia King DBE FREng, The Baroness Brown of Cambridge
Topics include:

As always, there will be ample time for discussion during each session as well as during the hot lunch provided to all attendees.
Book here now
Large discount available for 2 or more delegates from the same University.

Please follow the links for:

For enquiries or further information, please contact Izzet Kale, PHEE Honorary Secretary at email:

The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 9th November 2016 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions Sub-Committee chair, Professor Mike Bramhall, and Deputy Chair, Dr Georgina Harris.

Technology and Innovation in Aerospace

London / 29 November 2016

Is the aerospace industry still world-leading in terms of exploiting new technologies? Is the risk associated with new technology “over-priced” and holding back the pace of change?

Why should you attend?

Learn what leading organisations see as drivers for technological advances.
Network with senior influencers and buyers from across industry.
Contribute to the discussion and showcase your organisation as a technological innovator.

Speakers include:
CEO, GKN Aerospace
EVP Engineering and Technology, Rolls-Royce
President, Embraer Europe
NASA Langley Research Center

For further information, please contact

The Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) is holding a one-day event in London on 29th November 2016 at the Imperial Hotel, 61-66 Russell Square, London WC1B 5BB.

The aim of the day is to discuss the major developments in level 3 mathematics and the implications of these changes for recruitment of undergraduates. New A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics specifications begin first teaching in September 2017. Along with the other reformed A levels these will be linear courses with AS grades no longer counting towards the A level grade. In summer 2016 almost 3000 students took the new Core Maths qualifications, which are designed to extend students’ mathematical skills beyond GCSE, focusing on problem-solving and modelling.

The event will be of particular interest to departmental admissions tutors, heads of department, directors of studies for 1st year courses, widening participation coordinators and outreach coordinators. By attending the event you will have more detailed information about the changes and the potential impact they may have on the curriculum offered to 16-19 year old students in England. There will be opportunities to discuss with colleagues how HEIs can respond to these changes and provide clear signals to schools and colleges, students and their parents, to encourage appropriate mathematical preparation for different degree subjects.
There is no charge for attendance.

If you have any queries or for more information email:

The Engineering Professors Council Annual Congress 2016 was held at the University of Hull from the 4th of September – 6th September 2016.

The Engineering Professors’ Council is delighted to announce the winning entries in the 2016 20th Anniversary Awards. The prizes were presented at the EPC Congress 2016 dinner on Monday 5th September 2016.


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