A Connected Engineering Curriculum – Learning Through Enquiry and Practice

17th/18th July 2018 – UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences, London, UK

Engineers increasingly find themselves tasked to envision, invent, and construct creative solutions to Grand Challenges. Over the years, insightful solutions have required ever more creativity and greater integration of interdisciplinary ideas. While established fundamentals still form the invariant foundation for engineering practice, the Engineer of Tomorrow will certainly require a different perspective than engineers in the past. How can universities support today’s aspiring engineers in preparation for the uncertain challenges they will be facing tomorrow?

A favoured approach is immersing the student experience with engineering fundamentals applied to interdisciplinary practice which directly address the world’s Grand Challenges. This approach enables students to learn through active discovery, via classic enquiry and coupled practice, and to discover how engineering concepts apply practically in complex, linked, interdisciplinary settings or scenarios. Engineering scenarios prepared in this framework expose students to the greater context and implications of engineering decisions in a social responsibility, and broader community, context. This connected approach fosters a cross disciplinary creative perspective, required to enable insightful engineering advances that deliver lasting social impact, as will be required in solving the uncertain challenges of tomorrow.

With a desire to create a Connected Engineering Curriculum, the major themes for ISEE 2018 are:

  1.  Connecting students with practitioners throughout their learning journey
  2.  Building a through-line of enquiry activities into, and through, the programme
  3.  Bridging student interaction across subjects, perspectives, and global regions
  4.  Linking student academic learning with in-practice workplace education
  5.  Assessing engineering specific deliverables directed at the pertinent corresponding audience
  6.  Unifying the student experience across cohorts, programme progression, and graduate alumni

Contributions addressing one, or more, of these themes are invited. For further details http://www.engineering.ucl.ac.uk/centre-for-engineering-education/isee-2018/

Following on from the success of the 5th Annual Symposium held in November 2017 at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London, the UK and Ireland EER Network are pleased to announce that their Inaugural Spring Colloquium will be held on Thursday 10th May 2018 from 1130-1800 hours at the University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Full details of the event can be found here.

Streams within this free event will be:

In addition to invited contributions they are accepting proposals for short presentations and they will have the opportunity to display posters. They are particularly interested in contributions on; the sharing of ideas, experience of particular methodologies and summaries of work in progress.
Please email a short presentation abstract or poster proposal by Monday 16 April.
If you would like to know more about the UK & Ireland Engineering Education Research Network please contact Dr Jane Andrews.
The proceedings of the 5th annual symposium are available on-line.
The Steering Group look forward to seeing you at the event.

The UCL Centre for Engineering Education is pleased to invite you to the following event on Tuesday, 10th April at 6pm, at UCL:

This year SEFI’s flagship annual conference will be held between 17th to 21st September at the Technical University of Denmark (Copenhagen/Lyngby) and will coincide with the 45th Anniversary of our organisation.

• Our 2018 conference theme is Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineering Education Excellence.  Development of creative, innovative and entrepreneurial competencies is a goal for engineering education.  However, it is also a powerful means to improve engineering education itself. Programmes and courses where students work with real life challenges create a strong framework for the students’ acquisition of core disciplinary knowledge, integrated with the learning of personal, interpersonal, professional and innovative skills. We will be exploring this theme through keynote sessions, and our conference tracks. Please have a look at the conference website. Deadlines: 19 March for conference abstracts, 30 April 2018 for full conference papers, and 21 May 2018 for workshops and round tables.

• If your institution is a member of SEFI, then we encourage you to ask your institution to submit an entry for The SEFI Francesco Maffioli Award of Excellence for Developing Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education. By requesting that nominations come from the appropriate academic management, we would like to encourage recognition of the excellence in developing teaching and learning in engineering education. This teaching excellence award is intended to highlight and celebrate the preparatory work done by educators that enables sustained learning to happen – day after day, year after year – work which is often used by other teachers also. Please look at our website Deadline: 1 April 2018.

• SEFI Working Groups are the key mechanism by which our members engage with their peers.  This year in Copenhagen we have expanded our conference tracks to provide attractive workshops for each of our Working Groups, which will make it easy and interesting to network and connect to like-minded colleagues.

• We will hold the Second Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education on the 17th September 2018. We invite doctoral students in Engineering Education and their supervisors to explore and develop research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of senior scholars within Engineering Education Research (EER). Please have a look at the conference website. Deadline: 20 April 2018.

All relevant dates and information including the provisional programme are on the conference site (www.sefi2018.eu).

Bringing engineering ethics to life in education, professional development and industry.

The EPC is one of the partners behind a landmark conference at Leeds University bringing engineering ethics to life in education, professional development and industry. This interactive and engaging national conference looks at some of the big ethical challenges facing engineering today and in the future, and how engineers can tackle them. It brings together decision makers from industry, higher education, regulators and professional engineering institutions.

Through questions, discussion and use of technology, delegates will have the opportunity to offer their views and to shape a 10 year vision. To learn more about this event, please access the following resources: Ethics conference programme,  Ethics Conference A5 Flyer

REGISTER HERE for an exclusive EPC discounted rate.


The International Conference on Manufacturing Research will be held 11-13 September at University of Skövde, Sweden.
This is the first time the conference has been held outside the UK. The timing reflects our ambition to represent manufacturing outside the UK. More details to follow

For a Committee meeting agenda and more details for this event, please follow the link AAU 28th March 2018
For the flight simulations agenda, please follow the link flight simulations

The Engineering Education Research Network is a professional engineering educators’ forum that provides colleagues interested in promoting evidence-based practice in engineering education with the means by which to meet, discuss and exchange ideas, and learn from each other. The network celebrates its fifth anniversary this year and the theme for the event is Time for change! Challenging the status quo in engineering education.


The annual Recruitment and Admissions Forum took place at the Manchester Metropolitan University on 15th November 2017 convened by EPC Recruitment and Admissions Sub-Committee chair, Dr Georgina Harris.



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