The UK & Ireland EERN are pleased to announce their 7th Annual Symposium will be hosted by WMG & the School of Engineering, University of Warwick in December this year.

Excellence in Engineering Education for the 21st Century: The Role of Engineering Education Research

Building on the success of previous annual symposium and colloquium the UK & Ireland EERN invites colleagues to submit extended abstracts for presentation at the 2019 Annual Symposium. Templates are available to download as a .zip file here.
With a growing membership of Engineering Education Researchers and Educators, this year’s event promises to be better than ever.

The next Recruitment and Admissions Committee meeting will be in the Hopper Room at the IET, Savoy Place, London

The Engineering Professors’ Council Annual Congress 2019 took place from 13th May to 15th May at UCL Engineering Education. This year’s congress theme was Engineering Change: surviving and shaping the policy landscape.

The 2019 CPHC Conference is due to be held on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April 2019 at Middlesex University

The event is due to start with parallel Workshops on the morning of Monday 29th April:

10.00-12:30 New Heads Workshop – Dr Iain Phillips (Loughborough University) with Dr Atif Waraich (Liverpool John Moores University) and Dr Nick Savage (University of Portsmouth). For more information, click here.

10.30-12:00 New Professors Workshop – Prof. Sally Fincher (CPHC Chair & University of Kent) with Prof. Anna Cox (UCL). For more information, click here.

The main Conference start time is 12:30 and will close at approximately 15:30 on Tuesday 30th April following a choice of further Workshops from 13:45 to 15:30:
IoC Workshop For more information, click here.
Athena SWAN – Professor Carron Shankland. For more information, click here.
Engagement with UKRI For more information, click here.

The main Conference programme includes:
Panel discussions on Cyber Security in teaching & research and the Institute of Coding, EPSRC update, view from Wonkhe, the Royal Society, UKCRC and the research horizon, KEF update and BCS Education strategy update (including National Centre for Computing Education).

As with previous Conferences there will also be a Conference Dinner on the evening of Monday 29th April at the RAF Museum. You will be able to indicate on the booking system whether you wish to bring a guest. Please complete all of the necessary sections so that we can arrange adequate catering requirements. The costs are as follows:

Days 1 & 2 (inc the Conference and Dinner) £100
Day 1 only (no Dinner) £40
Dinner guest £45
Day 2 only £40

Bookings may be made using the link below.  Please complete all of the necessary sections so that we can arrange adequate catering requirements:

Information on hotels near to the Conference venue may be found here.

The AAU Committee meeting (follow link for agenda) will take place in the morning followed by the free annual Universities Seminar (follow link for details) in room C1 in Geroge Begg Building at the University of Manchester, M13 9PL (follow link for map).

The aim of the seminar is to foster flight simulation in universities by bringing together all institutions with an interest in flight simulation to exchange information, encourage cooperation & collaboration between all interested parties.

All colleagues and students are strongly encouraged to participate and to consider offering to give a short presentation about some aspect of flight simulation in your department. If you would like to present, please email Barry Tomlinson:

The 2019 UK and Ireland Engineering Education Research Network Spring Colloquium will take place on 2nd – 3rd May 2019 at the Technological University Dublin.

You can download more details here.


Six universities leading the way for change in engineering higher education.

In a new joint document, the IET and the Engineering Professors Council (EPC) have selected several UK institutions that demonstrate successful new approaches to the way engineering courses and programmes can be delivered, which others may look to follow.

Following the success of our joint conference in May 2017, the IET and the EPC have been calling for an evolution in higher education, looking at how more young people can be attracted into the profession, ensuring our education system is producing engineers with the skills to fulfil the needs of the Industrial Strategy.

Our aims are to address the discrepancy between numbers of engineering graduates and the expectations and needs of industry while bringing together those leading or in a position to lead an evolution in engineering education.

Since the conference, our New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education Working Group has proposed six ways that engineering education should be developed in order to create an effective skills pipeline between universities and industry that suits the needs of businesses, educators, students and the UK as a whole, which is lacking at present.

With this publication, we’re offering up case study examples for each of the new approaches that we have identified. Readers will find out which universities we believe are excellent models of where strong progress is being made in areas such as creativity, diversity, project work, industry engagement, work experience and interdisciplinarity. Each case study includes information on the course, the university’s views on the accreditation process and the learning experience from a student’s perspective.

Read the case studies here.

The 14th Annual AAU Conference will be held in December in Dubai.
More details including the exact date and venue will be available shortly.

The 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2019) incorporating the 34th National Conference on Manufacturing Research will be held from 10th- 12th September 2019 at Queen’s University Belfast.

For more information and to register for the event, please follow the link

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