EPC Annual Congress 2022: A Better World


Join us on the 7-9th June 2022 at UWE, Bristol for the EPC’s Annual Congress, ‘A Better World’, with over 30 speakers presenting keynote talks and panel discussions on engineering ethics, sustainability and recovery.

It’s been too long coming, but the EPC Annual Congress will be returning to a face-to-face event in 2022. Our two-year theme is A Better World, in which Congress will pick up on our Congress webinar series in 2021 with a focus on ethics, sustainability and recovery. It will be held at UWE, Bristol, from 7th to 9th June 2022.

Featuring Dame Judith Hackitt, Chair of the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety (following Grenfell); Dame Ottoline Leyser, CEO of UKRI; Hayaatun Sillem CBE, Chief Exec of the Royal Academy of Engineering; and Prof Steve West, President of Universities UK. Plus a host of expert speakers, dinner on the SS Great Britain and a UWE welcome to the cutting-edge Bristol Robotics Lab and brand new curriculum-led UWE Engineering building. The full line-up of activities being updated all the time!

For those unable to attend, we are hoping to record some of the main Congress sessions to be available after the conference has finished. There will be no online interaction or questions as these will be the privilege of those booking to attend in full. Online coverage will not include any of the social activities or supplementary events, tours etc.

Accommodation is not included in your Congress package, however there are many accommodation options close to the campus and in Bristol City centre.

Local to Frenchay Campus
Holiday Inn- Filton
Holiday Inn Express Bristol – Filton (ihg.com)
Premier Inn- Filton
Travelodge – Filton
Village Hotel- Filton
The Wellington- Horfield

City Centre Accommodation
IBIS Hotel, by Temple Meads Station
IBIS Hotel, by Millennium Square
Radisson Blu
Premier Inn- Haymarket, Bristol City Centre
Hotel du Vin
The Bristol Hotel

Please see the detailed schedule for this event, below.

Tuesday 7th June 2022

Wednesday 8th June 2022

Thursday 9th June 2022

Professor Dave Allan has worked internationally for companies which included Ford Motor Co, Nissan Motors, BTR/Invensys, Garratt/Honeywell and Bentley Motors, and established and managed a design consultancy.  As a change agent and industrial trouble-shooter, he has made significant contributions to the effectivity of various organisations in the Agriculture, Food Production, Automotive; Electronics; Local Government and Police & Defence sectors. Joining Harper Adams University in 2008 Dave was Senior Lecturer in Manufacturing Engineering and Project Management at both undergraduate and postgraduate level; Senior Tutor; Learning Innovation Leader and the Manager of the Agricultural Engineering Innovation Centre.  During this time, he was engaged in successful research into vehicle concepts and the application of sustainable technologies in construction and agricultural vehicles.  During his time at HAU Dave focussed on the development of the teaching activities, environments and practices which influence the learning process; particularly the motivation and engagement of students. In 2018 Dave joined the New Model Institute for Engineering & Technology, as one of the Founding Faculty Professors, co-create the first degree programmes and the learning spaces.

Caroline Baillie is a Professor within the Integrated Engineering Department and Academic Director of MESH (Masters of Engineering for Sustainability and Health) at the University of San Diego. Baillie’s main area of expertise is engineering as it relates to social justice. In order to practice what she preaches, Baillie co-founded the not-for-profit ‘Waste for Life’ organization (wasteforlife.org) in 2006, to ‘socialize’ her materials engineering knowledge in support of vulnerable communities wishing to develop upcycled waste-based businesses. She also co-founded ESJP – the ‘Engineering, Social Justice and Peace’ network (ESJP.org) in 2004. Baillie’s research considers socio-technical processes and systems, which enhance social and environmental justice, and educational systems that promote these. She brings lessons learnt from these studies and practices into the classroom of all ages, to facilitate the transformation to a more equitable and just future. In her spare time Baillie runs forest-based retreats, a ‘forest school’ program for children and a forest school professional development program for teachers through the ‘Standing people Together’ program of Waste for Life. Professor Baillie has published 27 scholarly books, an edited series of books on ‘Engineers, Technology and Society’ and over 200 book chapters, peer reviewed journal and conference papers.

Sadegh Bamohabbat Chafjiri is one of the shortlisted Hammerman poster competition finalists - see below the title and abstract for their poster: Stop behind the red-light is no longer boring!    My poster is about charging stations for electric vehicles installed at intersections. It is specifically designed for cities where there is sufficient rainfall throughout the year and also sunshine. My solution generates electrical energy from renewable resources such as solar energy and the kinetic energy of water at intersections. The electrical energy can be stored in batteries and vehicle batteries are charged by underground charging pads while vehicles stop behind red lights. Underground charging pads can remotely charge electric vehicle batteries on the underside of vehicles. This saves drivers time at intersections.

My name is Rachel Beel and I graduated with a First-Class Honours degree in Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering in 2020 from Glasgow Caledonian University. My current role is Graduate Design Engineer at Peak Scientific in Glasgow, where I have been working for the last 18 months. We are a gas generation leader in the manufacture and support of labratory grade gas generators, used for applications including LC-MS and GS. During my time at Peak Scientific so far I have mostly been involved in maintaining parts and BOMs in our MRP system, progressing design changes, updating and creating CAD models and drawings as well as taking on new projects. The current project I am working on has allowed me to explore design alternatives and changes within a system to reduce costs, human error and the likelihood of failure through reducing leak points to maintain pressure and a stable, high purity nitrogen gas supply. I was one of the Hammerman Student Award winners in 2020 after completing a poster and presentation on The Collaboration Between Industry and Academia, where I discussed how my engineering placement led to me choosing my final thesis topic.

David Bogle is Professor of Chemical Engineering and Pro-Vice-Provost of the Doctoral School at University College London. He joined UCL in 1990 after education at Imperial College, three years in industry and three years in academia in Australia. His expertise is in Process Systems Engineering and in Systems Biology working with a range of academic and industrial partners particularly from the pharmaceutical industry. He is Associate Director of the Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering at UCL and Imperial College, executive editor for Process Systems Engineering for Chemical Engineering Science, and served as Scientific Vice President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering from 2017-2021. He takes up the role of President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers in June this year and is currently Deputy President. As Pro-Vice-Provost of UCL's Doctoral School since 2005 he oversees early-career researchers across all disciplines. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2005. He has been chairing the Engineering Ethics Reference Group for the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council which recently published its report 'Engineering Ethics: Maintaining Society's Trust in the Engineering Profession'.

Dawn Bonfield MBE CEng FIMMM FICE HonFIStructE FWES HonDEng is Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at King's College London working with young people on addressing the Sustainable Development Goals as entrepreneurs. She has been Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor of Inclusive Engineering at Aston University since 2017, and also delivers Professional Engineering skills to the Postgraduate Engineering Apprentices and MSc students at Aston. She is the Founder & Director of Towards Vision, a not-for-profit which works towards a vision of diversity and inclusion in engineering. She is Past President and former Chief Executive of the Women's Engineering Society (WES), and founder of the social enterprise ‘Magnificent Women’ which celebrates the history of women in engineering. Dawn is a UK representative of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations and Deputy Chair of the Women in Engineering Committee, leading work there on the application of engineering and technology to address gender inequality globally. She was the founder of International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) which takes place on 23 June annually. A materials engineer by profession Dawn has worked in the atomic energy, automotive and aerospace industries. Dawn received an MBE in 2016 for 'Services to the promotion of diversity in engineering', and in 2019 she was named as number 2 in the Inclusive Boards Financial Times Top 100 Women in Engineering List, and in 2021 was in the Forbes / Academic Influence Top 35 Global Influential Women in Engineering List.

Mike is a Professorial Teaching Fellow at TEDI-London and has a strong track record in project-based learning and has published widely in innovations in engineering education. His technical subject area is in metallurgy and materials science, having worked in the steel industry before entering academia. In a previous role he was the Assistant Dean for Academic Development for the faculty of Arts, Computing, Engineering & Sciences at Sheffield Hallam University of which he is now an Emeritus Professor. Mike has been on Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) teams for Subject Review, Higher Education Review, Quality Review Visits and Quality and Standards Review for a wide range of Universities, further education colleges and alternative providers. He is a Governor at Northern College for Adult Education, Barnsley, and chairs its Curriculum and Quality Committee. Mike is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and is also an active member and on the Board of the UK Engineering Professors’ Council, being also a member of its Recruitment and Admissions sub-committee. Mike worked nationally as an Associate Director of the Materials Subject Centre from 2003 to 2012 at the University of Liverpool. Mike is also a National Teaching Fellow and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Professor Lisa Brodie BEng (Hons), MBA, PhD, CEng, MIET, SFHEA is the Head of Engineering at the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol where she leads a team of 100+ academics across a wide portfolio of engineering disciplines incorporating aerospace, mechanical, civil, automotive, electronics and robotic engineering.   Lisa joined the University from a long professional engineering career spanning many industrial sectors, including five years as a Senior Consultant in Aerospace.  Lisa is a Trustee of the Aerospace Bristol museum.   Lisa is passionate about changing the face of engineering education, challenging traditional perceptions and tackling a lack of diversity in the profession. Diversity – in all its forms – is needed in order to boost creativity and innovation, as well as to fill the skills gap and increase overall productivity.  Lisa believes in a truly inclusive education that supports learners regardless of race, gender, disability or difference, to succeed.  She is working hard to represent the views and raise the aspirations and attainment of people from backgrounds and groups that are under-represented at university. Lisa sits on the board of the Engineering Professors Council, the representative body for engineering academics providing an influential voice and authoritative conduit through which engineering departments’ interests can be represented to funders, influencers, employers, professional bodies and Government.   

Ewan Brown is one of the shortlisted Hammerman poster competition finalists – see below the title and the abstract for their poster: The Continuation of a UAV Based System for Detection and Sampling of Micro-Plastics and Particulates in the Atmosphere  In most recent years micro-plastics have become a heavily investigated topic. However, recent studies have shown a large increase in distribution of said particulates in more remote locations. Thus, the hypothesis that the movement of these microplastic is due to atmospheric channels. Therefore, within this paper we demonstrate and development of UAV Microplastics collection and sampling UAV. This UAV consist of a Integrated companion computer of which reads data from a SPS30 particulate sensor. Moreover, the UAV is also fitted with a custom particle filtration united used to collect ten separate samples at different altitudes.

As the ACU’s Director of Strategic Communications, Beth leads on the organisation’s policy engagement and external affairs; raising the profile of the work and value of the ACU and its members to secure recognition and support for higher education with stakeholders, funders, and governments across the Commonwealth. Before joining the ACU, Beth worked at University Alliance where she was Head of Communications and Public Affairs. A skilled campaigner and strategic communicator, Beth has a wealth of experience gained in positions including at Universities UK, Universities Wales, and the European Students Union, where she led the organisation’s work on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Dan Canty is Head of Accreditation & Awards at The Institution of Engineering and Technology. He has worked for the IET for 20 years and currently leads its Accreditation, End Point Assessment, Scholarships, Awards and Prizes activities.

Associate Director, Corporate Affairs, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) – part of UK Research and Innovation Hannah is a member of the NERC Senior Leadership Team, responsible for bringing outside perspectives into the organisation to provide challenge and stimulate new approaches, particularly through engaging with public and business stakeholders and audiences. Hannah also chairs the UKRI Environmental Sustainability in the UK Research and Innovation Sector group, which is working across the research and innovation sector to co-create and launch a new sector-wide environmental sustainability ambition and encourage more sustainable research practices. Hannah has a PhD in Laser Physics and loves spending time outdoors.

Louisa Cockbill is the Communications Project Coordinator for Digital Engineering Technology Innovation (DETI) Inspire. DETI Inspire aims to address the nationwide skills gap in engineering by championing science for children in the West of England, with a particular focus on breaking stereotypes and challenging perceptions about STEM careers. She also heads up the Engineering Department's Engineering our Future webpage - https://blogs.uwe.ac.uk/engineering/ Louisa is a science communicator with previous experience as a writer (writing stories on new scientific research for various international publications) and presenter (presenting science shows to children and families). She holds a BSc in Cancer Biology and Immunology and a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Bristol.

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from Birmingham, then PhD and post-doctoral research at Cambridge. Joined Shell in the Netherlands to work in research and also design/troubleshooting for oil/gas and chemicals. Returned to UK in 1991 to start a chemical engineering group at Oxford University. Head of Department of Engineering Science 2005-2009. IChemE: Vice-President (Qualifications) 2001-2005; President 2008-9. President of European Federation of Chemical Engineering 2010-13. Research interests: Separation processes, foam and surfactants, sustainability, energy security, food-water-energy nexus and geo-engineering.

SIMON FANSHAWE OBE is a diversity consultant, broadcaster and author. He is the co-founder of Diversity by Design which supports organisations to truly diversify their senior people. His latest book “The Power of Difference – where the complexities of diversity and inclusion meet practical solutions” will be published on December 3rd 2021 (in the UK and 28th Dec in the US) by Kogan Page. Diversity by Design is currently running a significant trial of Recruiting for Difference (RfD) – the process we have developed to design out the bias in hiring and promotion. Clients include: 12 NHS Trusts over the last year, Sheffield, Cardiff, Exeter, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Universities; Amey, the Civil Service, Chubb, College of Policing, Co-op Food, Costa, Coventry Council, East Sussex Fire & Rescue, GCHQ, Leeds Building Society, NSPCC, Skipton Building Society, The Army, Thomson Reuters, Toyota. He is currently on the Board of Powerful Women and is Chairman of Hexagon Housing Association. He was Chairman of Sussex University 2007-13, a non-exec director of Housing & Care 21, a Governor of the Museum of London and on the Board of Brighton Dome & Festival. He was a co-founder of Stonewall and of the Kaleidoscope Trust. He was awarded an OBE in 2013 for services to Higher Education and made an Honorary Doctor of the University of Sussex for services to diversity and human rights.

Dr Abdul Farooq is an experienced Associate Head of Department with a strong record of achievement in higher education and industry. He has a significant professional background and skilled in leading teams to success, operational and strategy management, education, research, knowledge exchange and international and domestic partnership building. Abdul's specific role concerns Business Engagement and Partnerships in the School of Engineering (SoE) and is also a senior member of the Centre for Machine Vision, Bristol Robotics Laboratory. He graduated from Cardiff University in 1990 with a first degree in Electronics and subsequently successfully completed an MSc in Systems Engineering (Robotics and Automation) in 1992. He then worked for a number of years as a Systems Engineer at a leading edge high-volume board manufacturing plant. Following this Abdul was drawn back to academia and completed (with distinction) a further Masters degree followed by a PhD in Machine Vision. Abdul has been and involved with numerous of successful projects and bids within the group and lead an exceptional Knowledge Transfer Partnership which was awarded a grade A and considered 'Outstanding' by Innovate UK. His research outcomes have included successful PhD supervisions and a number of journal papers. Abdul is a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority, member of the IET and a Chartered Engineer.

Dr Laura Fogg-Rogers is an Associate Professor for Engineering in Society at UWE Bristol where she leads teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals to student engineers and scientists. Laura holds a DPhil in Social Psychology and researches community involvement in science and technology, including managing the communications and evaluation for international research projects such as ClairCity and WeCount. Laura leads the Inspire Sustainability outreach programme at UWE Bristol on behalf of the initiative for Digital Engineering Technology and Innovation, including the primary science project Curiosity Connections and secondary activities through Digital Trailblazers.

Stella Fowler is the Policy and Research lead at the Engineering Professors’ Council. She is responsible for all aspects of policy and research including projects; data analysis; report writing; member surveys and consultations; and events and communications. Stella has worked in HE analysis for over 20 years with experience at UCAS, on the Higher Education Strategic Planners Association (HESPA) Board and in senior university planning and research data management roles

Mr Marc Funnell is Head of Digital Engineering at the National Composite Centre, a part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC). Marc holds a MSC in mechanical engineering and has over 20 years industrial experience working on product delivery and global transformation programmes. Marc leads digitalization of the NCC, including Made Smarter innovation Hubs initiative and DCMS 5G test beds programmes, is chief engineering of High Value Design across the HVMC and the director of Digital Engineering Technology and Innovation (DETI) on behalf of WECA.

Dame Judith Hackitt is a chemical engineer and is currently Chair of Enginuity the UK skills body for Engineering and Manufacturing formerly known as Semta.  She was Chair of Make UK, the manufacturers’ organisation formerly known as EEF from April 2016 until March 2022.  Dame Judith is a senior non-executive director of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult an organisation which exists to support and encourage innovation in Advanced Manufacturing. She is also a Board member of HS2 Ltd. Following the tragic fire which occurred at Grenfell Tower in London in June 2017, Dame Judith conducted an independent review into Building Regulations and Fire Safety related to high rise buildings for the Government. She began her review in July 2017 and plans to implement her recommendations in full were announced in the Queen’s speech in October 2019. She now works as an adviser to Government chairing the Industry Safety Steering Group holding industry to account to deliver the culture change needed and the Transition Board which is overseeing the setting up of the new Building Safety Regulator. She speaks and writes regularly on the need for industry to step up to its responsibilities for safety and quality.

Professor Georgina Harris is a Chartered Engineering and is passionate about engineering and the STEM agenda. These professions are filled with problem-solvers, driving innovation and development for societal benefit. Georgina has played a leadership role within this context for over 20 years, contributing both to education and to furthering knowledge through research in collaborative partnership with industry. Alongside her role as the Dean of STEM at Arden University creating the new Faculty from scratch, Georgina engages in the promotion of STEM careers and the development of STEM pedagogies through a number of external organisations: Chair of Greater Manchester Area of Institution of Mechanical Engineers Board Member of the Engineering Professors’ Council, EPC Chair of the EPC Engineering Education, Employability and Skills Committee Member of the Women in Motorsport Sub Committee, Motorsport UK EDI Committee, Motorsport UK Association Trustee of the Engineering Development Trust Local Governing Board Member of the Crewe Engineering and Design University Technical College QAA Advisory Group for the review of Engineering Subject Benchmark Statement

Natalia Hartono  is one of the shortlisted Hammerman poster competition finalists – see below the title and abstract for their poster: Remanufacturing: pathway to Sustaina-bee-lity  Remanufacturing is a key component of a circular economy because it helps to reduce the consumption of raw materials, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and landfill. The research focuses on disassembly as the first and most important step in remanufacturing. A sustainability model was proposed in this study to balance the three goals of maximising profit, energy and environmental impact savings. The recovery strategies address three sustainability paths: reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling. The Bees Algorithm was used to optimise the robotic disassembly sequence plans. The results from a practical case study demonstrate that the algorithm produces the optimal robotic disassembly sequence.

Dr. Sarah Jayne Hitt specialises in the integration of the arts, humanities and social sciences within engineering education, especially focussing on ethics and communication. She is project manager for the EPC’s Ethics Toolkit initiative, serves as Visiting Professor of Engineering Ethics at the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) and is Interim Programme Leader for the MSc Environmental Sustainability programme at Edinburgh Napier University. She has led national and international workshops on interdisciplinary learning and teaching and worked with academic and industry partners on various engineering education initiatives. She has recent publications in the International Journal of Engineering Education and The Journal of Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education.

Catherine did her first degree in Mathematics at Warwick University then went on to the University of Liverpool to do a PhD in the mathematics of robots before going into an academic career. She has worked at a number of UK universities and is currently Academic Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing at Coventry University. Externally she is a Vice President of the London Mathematical Society and a member of the EPC Board. Her interests are in engineering and mathematics education in HE. She also has a keen interest in equality, diversity and inclusion in STEM disciplines.

Tim Ibell is Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Design at the University of Bath, UK. He is a structural engineer by background, and was President of IStructE in 2015. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the current Chair of the Joint Board of Moderators (accreditation body for Civil Engineering in the UK). He sees the climate emergency as a necessary central feature of Engineering education, so that Engineering is seen as a caring profession, focused on societal impact, with relevance to all humanity.

.Alison is the chief executive Advance HE.  She was appointed in autumn 2017, to lead the merger of three national agencies which created Advance HE in 2018. Prior to that she was the chief executive of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE).  She has worked in higher education for 25 years.  Before becoming chief executive of the LFHE, she was head of policy for leadership, governance and management at the HEFCE (The Higher Education Funding Council for England, now the Office for Students, the HE regulator for England), where she led on a wide range of policy themes and established both the Leadership Foundation and the Equality Challenge Unit. She is a past president and chair of the Association of University Administrators (AUA) and represents the UK on the Association of Commonwealth Universities Human Resources Management Network and also sits on the British Council’s planning committee for Going Global, the major international higher education conference. She has and has held numerous Board positions and works widely in the area of effective governance. Alison has extensive international experience in higher education sitting on a variety of boards and advising governments and higher education institutions on higher education reform.  She led the review of teaching and learning enhancement for the Australian government, which established the Office for Learning and Teaching to enhance teaching quality across the Australian higher education sector.  Alison regularly takes part in conferences and events, both nationally and internationally, and has been an invited speaker in over 30 countries on four continents speaking on all aspects of university leadership, governance and management.

John Kraus joined Engineers Without Borders in March 2022, aiming to put global responsibility at the heart of engineering. He was previously Executive Director at the International Geosynthetic Society, which promotes sustainable practices in geotechnical engineering, and Director of External Affairs at RICS, responsible for sustainability and thought leadership. John also has extensive experience in intergovernmental relations, with an emphasis on global issues.

Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser is the Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Regius Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge. UKRI brings together the UK’s Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research England, operating with a combined budget of more than £8bn per year. Prior to this Ottoline Leyser was Director of the Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, an interdisciplinary institute which combines computational modelling with molecular genetics and cell biology in the control of plant growth and development. Ottoline has a long-term interest in research culture and chaired the Nuffield Council on Bioethics project examining these issues. She has been actively engaged in work aimed at generating a more inclusive, creative and connected culture. She has also worked extensively in science policy, for example serving as Chair of the Royal Society’s Science Policy Expert Advisory Committee, Chair of the Management Committee of the University of Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy, and as a member of the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society, a Member of the Leopoldina and EMBO, and an International Member of the US National Academy of Sciences. In 2017 she was appointed DBE for services to plant science, science in society and equality and diversity in science.

My name is Inna Lucas and I'm a PhD student at Sheffield Hallam University, funded by Britvic. I'm looking into the packaging accessibility and ways to measure, design and produce 'truly sustainable packaging' that is easier to open, environment-friendly and financially viable. For the past seven years, my main interest has been inclusive design and design solutions to the problems posed by an ageing society.

Thomas Alexander Mahy is one of the shortlisted Hammerman poster competition finalists – see below the title and abstract for their poster: Diverting plastic landfill to advanced carbon nanomaterials while maximising conversion and reducing emissions  Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) technologies can support a lower waste future by providing stronger, lighter-weight, electrically conductive materials. My research has developed a process that utilises hard-to-recycle plastics as feedstock for the production of CNTs. The method achieves the growth of CNTs from plastics through the direct injection of a plastic slurry into a chemical vapour deposition furnace. A gas absorber system that I constructed will capture emissions to extract valuable carbon components for recycling and re-use, thus improving waste recovery and sustainability. This exciting, unique carbon capture method converts negative waste into a high-value commodity, improving waste recovery and sustainability.

John E. Mitchell is Professor of Communications Systems Engineering in the UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Co-director of the UCL Centre for Engineering Education. Between 2012 and 2016 he was on secondment to the UCL Engineering Sciences Faculty office, where he led the introduction of the Integrated Engineering Programme. The team that led this major revision of the curriculum across the engineering faculty was awarded the HEA Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE). He has published widely on curriculum development, active learning and issues of diversity within engineering education. From 2015 to 2022 he was Vice-Dean Education of the UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences. Professor Mitchell is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Member of the Board of the Engineering Professors’ Council, Member at Large of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Education Society and was until recently a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Education.

Raffaella Ocone graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Università di Napoli, Italy, and obtained her MA and PhD from Princeton University, USA. She holds the Chair of Chemical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University, UK, since 1999 and she is Guest Professor a RUHR Universität, Bochum, Germany.   She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Institution of Chemical Engineers, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of Arts and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. She is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Scientist.   In 2007 she was appointed Cavaliere by the President of the Italian Republic. In The Queen’s 2019 New Year Honours she was appointed Officer of the British Empire (OBE) for services to engineering. Raffaella was named as one of the top 100 Most Influential Women in the Engineering Sector in 2019 in the list produced by board appointments firm Inclusive Boards in partnership with the Financial Times.  In 2017 Raffaella became the first “Caroline Herschel Visiting Professor” in Engineering at RUHR Universität, Bochum, Germany in recognition of her work in ethics in engineering. Raffaella’s main area of research is in the field of modelling multiphase reactive systems with emphasis to the development of responsible technologies in the energy arena. She has taken the lead in the teaching of engineering ethics. Currently she is the EPSRC Established Career Fellow in Particle Technology. 

Professor Judy Raper has been Dean & CEO of TEDI-London since its incorporation in June, 2019. She joined TEDI-London after a sustained career in Academia in Australia and the USA, most recently as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at the University of Wollongong, a post she held for the last 10 years and senior roles the National Science Foundation, and Missouri University of Science and Technology in the USA, and the first (and only) female Dean of Engineering at the University of Sydney. She currently serves as a non-executive Director of Waterco Pty. Ltd., an ASX listed company as well as a member of the NLA Expert Panel on Education; an Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) Accreditor and a member of the Leadership group for the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Education Forum Professor Raper’s achievements and awards have spanned many years, including being named a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), named as one of Australia’s 100 most influential engineers, and one of Australia’s 10 Leading female Engineers in 2019. She also has an award for Leadership in Engineering named in her honour by UNSW.

As well as his role with the EPC, Johnny Rich is well known across the higher education sector as a high-profile commentator on policy issues as well as the chief executive of student advice and outreach organisation Push, as a consultant working in education and careers, and as an author. Before joining the EPC, Johnny has already worked on many issues of concern to our members. Over the past 25 years, he led Push’s research – such as on drop-out rates and student debt – which has had direct impacts on policy. Johnny’s thought leadership, such as his papers for a graduate levy and a national access fund (2018) and on employability (2015) for the Higher Education Policy Institute, have been influential throughout the sector. Policy issues are also a significant part of his consultancy work, along with communications. His clients have included the European Commission, HEFCE, U-Multirank, as well as many universities, recruiters and charities. He’s a regular speaker at conferences, awards and in schools. In 2013, his novel A Human Script was published.

Duncan is Chief Data Officer of Times Higher Education, the leading provider of higher education data and rankings across the world. He was tasked with bringing the data processing capabilities in-house and creating a data business for the company.  Key achievements: ·      2015 bringing data collection and calculation for the World University Rankings in-house ·      2015 launch of first version of DataPoints benchmarking tool ·      2016 launch of the US College Rankings ·      2017 launch of the Japan University Rankings ·      2019 launch of the THE Impact Rankings – the only university rankings based on the UN SDGs ·      2022 named as one of DataIQ’s 100 most influential people in data   Since 2015 the number of universities for whom THE collects data has grown from 400 to over 4,000 from over 110 countries. He has a Masters degree from the University of Cambridge.

Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE CEO, Royal Academy of Engineering CEO, Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Foundation Hayaatun has extensive leadership experience in UK and international engineering, innovation, and diversity and inclusion activities. She chairs the UK government’s Business Innovation Forum and the St. Andrews Prize for the Environment, and recently co-chaired with Sir Lewis Hamilton his Commission on improving Black representation in UK motorsport. She is a trustee of Mission44, EngineeringUK and the Foundation for Science & Technology; a member of the UK government’s Levelling Up Advisory Council; a non-executive director of Laing O’Rourke and UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK; and an advisor to EQL: HER and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation. She has been named as one of the ‘Inspiring 50 Women in Tech’ and one of the ten most influential women in both UK engineering and UK tech. She has a Masters in Biochemistry (MBiochem) from Oxford and a PhD from Cancer Research UK/UCL. She is a Fellow of the IET, Honorary Professor at UCL, Honorary Fellow at The Queen’s College, Oxford, and has received honorary degrees from UCL and Imperial College London. In 2021 Hayaatun won a Science Suffrage Award and she is a finalist for the 2022 Veuve Clicquot Bold Woman Award. She was made a CBE for services to International Engineering in 2019. Prior to her current roles, she was Deputy CEO at the Academy and served as Committee Specialist and later Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee.

Chris Skidmore is a former Minister attending Cabinet, who has served across four departments. Most recently, he was twice Minister of State for Universities, Research, Innovation and Skills (2018-19, 2019-2020), during which time he secured the government's commitment to double its R&D budget- the greatest planned increase in research and innovation spending in modern times. In 2019, he was appointed interim Energy and Climate Change Minister, attending Cabinet. In this role, he signed the UK commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions into law by 2050— the first G7 country to do so— and secured the UK Presidency of the United Nation's COP 26, due to take place in Glasgow in 2021. He has also served as Health Minister and Minister for the Constitution in the Cabinet Office, was Political Private Secretary to the Chancellor George Osborne, and served as Deputy Chairman of the Number 10 Policy Board under David Cameron. He was elected MP for Kingswood in 2010, and continues to pursue his initial career as an historian, writing Tudor and Medieval History— his books include Richard III: Brother, Protector, King (2017), Bosworth: The Birth of the Tudors (2013), Death and the Virgin (2010) and Edward VI: The Lost King of England (2007). He has also co-authored two books with the current Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, and International Trade Secretary— After The Coalition (2011) and Britannia Unchained (2012).

Mike is the Deputy Dean of TEDI-London – an innovative new provider with a real-life project-based approach to engineering higher education. He has strategic and operational responsibility for the design, development and implementation of TEDI-London’s academic programme as well as the student journey. He is also President of the Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), the representative organisation of UK engineering academics. Mike plays a leading role in the New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education programme formed by the EPC and the Institution of Engineering Technology. He also led on a high profile policy paper for successful engineering degree apprenticeships. Mike was previously Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Science, Engineering and Computing at Kingston University, where he led the revitalising of learning and teaching across engineering, computer science and mathematics – focussing on ‘learning through doing’. Prior to this, as Head of the School of Chemical Engineering and AnalyticaI Science at the University of Manchester, he attained and sustained global top 25 status (QS World Rankings). He also led on establishing strategic collaborative partnerships with industry, as well as establishing a UK-wide academic chemical engineering community.

Amelie Taylor is one of the shortlisted Hammerman poster competition finalists – see below the title and abstract for their poster: Sunblockers: The feasibility and implementation of orbital solar shielding to reduce ambient Polar temperature Initial concepts during the 1980’s for solar radiation management in response to the growing climate crisis involved placing a single massive shield at the Earth-Sun Libration point, spanning 2,000km and costing upwards of $10T to manufacture. This research, using mathematical models and industry-standard simulation software, proposes an alternate method of orbital solar radiation management; utilising the emergence of cost-effective CubeSats and recent experimental data with solar sailing to produce a constellation of reflective solar shields in a Polar orbit, reducing the amount of sunlight hitting the Earth and slowing down the rising temperatures at the Polar regions.

I am a design engineering student who has worked my way through an engineering-based college, with a focus on Mechanical engineering. I am currently working my way through TEDI-London's Master course, with hopes of being a safety design engineer in the future.

Katy is Head of Professional Standards at the Engineering Council, the regulatory body for the UK engineering profession. She leads the work to maintain and enhance the UK-Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment (UK-SPEC), the standards for recognition of engineering education - Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP) and Approval and Accreditation of Qualifications and Apprenticeships (AAQA), together with the Regulations for Registration and supporting guidance. These standards were most recently revised in 2020, in consultation with employers, educators and professional engineering institutions. Katy is the staff lead for the Engineering Council’s work as part of the industry response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy. This includes overseeing the development of a contextualised version of UK-SPEC for engineers and technicians working on higher-risk buildings. Katy also has strategic oversight of the Engineering Council’s international relationships. She is Chair of the International Engineering Technologists Agreement which establishes an international benchmark of competence for independent practice in engineering technology. She is a member of the Governing Group of the International Engineering Alliance which provides a framework for the recognition of substantial equivalence of graduate attributes and professional competences.

Professor Colin Turner is the immediate past President of the EPC and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment at Ulster University. He previously served as the Director for the Centre for Higher Education Research and Practice, and as Interim Dean for Learning Enhancement in the first fifteen months of the COVID-19 pandemic as Ulster’s senior officer for learning and teaching. He was Head of the School of Engineering from 2010 to 2018 and was appointed as Professor of Engineering Education in 2013. Colin obtained his degree in Pure and Applied Mathematics and his PhD in Pure Mathematics from Queen’s University Belfast in 1993 and 1997.  His teaching interests are Engineering Mathematics, Reliability theory and Software development for Engineers – and in reforming curricula to improve retention, while building student led initiatives to transform student learning. He has experience in designing and building enterprise software solutions for learning support with national impact, especially in the area of employability. His research interests include the applications of engineering and mathematics to cardiovascular medicine, including the detection of myocardial infarction and other arrythmias through analysis of ECG data and inverse potential models. Professor Turner is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), a Fellow of the Institution of Mathematics and its Applications (FIMA), a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) a National Teaching Fellow (NTF) and a Chartered Engineer (CEng). He has served as a board member for the EPC since April 2013. He is a member of the advisory group of Learned Societies and Professional Bodies for the All-Party Group for Science and Technology at the Northern Ireland Assembly and an Executive Committee member and Trustee for ASET, the UK body for placement professionals.

I am a design engineering student, focusing on electrical and ecological design. I was an A level student of the year, including an EPQ in electrical design and recycling. I received a Nuffield scholarship to study machine learning at Aberystwyth University and have a TEDI scholarship for a project on a dementia friendly space.

The Vice-Chancellor is the academic leader and chief executive, responsible for the strategic oversight, financial sustainability and academic direction of the University. Professor West has been Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of England, Bristol since 2008. Professor West trained as a Podiatrist and Podiatric Surgeon in London, working in the NHS and private/commercial sector from 1982. He entered academia in 1984 as a lecturer, then senior lecturer, at The Chelsea School of Chiropody and Podiatric Medicine, The London Foot Hospital and Westminster University. He developed his research interests at King’s College London in the Department of Bioengineering. In 1990 he took up a post as Associate Dean and Head of the Department of Podiatry at Huddersfield University, and later became Dean of the School of Health and Behavioural Sciences in 1992. In 1995 he joined UWE Bristol as Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Care and Professor of Health and Social Care. In this post he merged three Colleges of Health into a new faculty, establishing one of the largest Faculties of Health and Social Care in the UK. In 2005 he became Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University, with the planning and resources portfolio. Then in 2006 he became Deputy Vice-Chancellor and was later appointed Acting Vice-Chancellor in August 2007. In May 2008 Professor West took up post as Vice-Chancellor, at the age of 46. Professor West is a Fellow of the Society of Chiropodists, Fellow of the College of Podiatric Medicine and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. He continues to develop his research interest in lower limb biomechanics and the diabetic foot and holds a number of honorary and advisory appointments in his discipline, and healthcare policy and practice, both nationally and internationally, including Member of the Health Education England, Podiatry strategic oversight group. In June 2013, Professor West was appointed as the first Chair of the West of England Academic Health Science Network (WEAHSN). The network is one of 15 across the country that aim to transform health and healthcare by putting innovation at the heart of the NHS. In this role, Professor West brings together a wide range of partners including health commissioners and providers, universities, industry and other stakeholders to improve some of the big and difficult health issues affecting the UK. Professor Steve West is the current President of Universities UK. Professor West became Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Gloucestershire in 2012 and was awarded a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the New Year's Honours list 2017, for services to Higher Education. Professor West is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Patron of Great Western Air Ambulance Charity, Patron of Royal West of England Academy and Honorary Vice President of the Bristol Record Society. He is also a Member of The Society of Merchant Venturers. Professor Steve West’s previous external commitments include Non-Executive Director for the Office for Students and Chair of University Alliance. Professor West also served as Non-Executive Director for University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Chair of the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership, President of Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Chair of the West of England Initiative and President of the South West CBI.

David Westmore is the current Deacon of the Hammermen of Glasgow.

Professor Gary C Wood is a National Teaching Fellow, and experienced educator, recognised for developing and delivering innovative learning experiences that challenge students to build technical knowledge whilst enhancing professional skills. He has particular expertise in developing and using integrative projects for authentic learning; building inclusive communities of learning; and supporting students’ transition into and out of higher education. Gary also has a strong interest in student engagement in curriculum design, and enhancing learning with technology. Gary is currently Academic Director of NMITE (New Model Institute for Technology & Engineering), Hereford, UK, where he leads delivery across NMITE’s Master of Engineering Integrated Engineering programme, and the development of new programmes. He also contributes to regional skills development, supporting NMITE’s regional mission in employability, entrepreneurship and skills. Prior to joining NMITE, Gary held teaching and leadership roles at the University of Sheffield. Most recently, he was Head of Sheffield Engineering Leadership Academy (SELA), having been a founding Board Member for the unique, experiential development programme for undergraduate engineers. Alongside SELA, Gary was professional skills lead in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, where he created and integrated a spine of professional skills development throughout the Department’s degree programmes to equip its students and graduates with capabilities to succeed in their studies and professional lives. Gary completed his PhD in language development in children in the School of English at the University of Sheffield, and taught linguistics there for seven years. Through that experience, he developed a strong interest in learning and teaching, creating international award-winning learning activities. He extended this impact through education and academic development roles, supporting colleagues to enhance their teaching practice, particularly in engineering and enterprise education. He developed university teaching teams and shaped employability policy overseas, including through EU-funded projects across Central Asia (UNIWORK) and Vietnam (V2WORK). Gary been recognised through a University of Sheffield Senate Fellowship in 2012, Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2015, and a National Teaching Fellowship in 2019.
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Thank you to our exhibitors and sponsors. Don’t forget to also have look at the wonderful student posters that will be exhibited throughout Congress for the Hammermen Award.


Sponsor: Siemens


Engineering curriculum to get your classroom ready for the future

Siemens helps today’s engineering students prepare for tomorrow. We provide student engineering software to empower the next generation of digital talent. Learn how our software and training can get you ready for Industry 4.0. As the engineering industry rapidly changes, ensure you have the skills businesses need. Future proof your career with digital skills in high demand.


Siemens Skills for Sustainability Network

Siemens has started a new initiative that is likely to be of particular interest to EPC Congress delegates.

The Skills for Sustainability Network is a new initiative, designed for engaged faculty worldwide,  which provides an opportunity to get insights, share ideas and feedback, and exchange on best practice with peers and industry on embedding sustainability in engineering education.

The aim is to build an interactive and valuable community in which each member contributes as much as they take away. Contributions could be made by joining the dedicated group on the Siemens community, posting and sharing in group discussions. or engaging in at least one interactive online event during the year. In addition to the professional development and networking benefits this community brings, contributing members will receive a digital badge as recognition for their commitment to the network and gain access to useful reports and resources shared by Siemens.

Inspired by inputs gathered from research with academic leaders and faculty members from around the world on their approaches to curriculum development and industry engagement, this initiative addresses the desire for stronger, more sustainable relationships with industry.

“What I would love to do is a collaboration on eye level and have an industry partner working together with my students. Engaging and committing not only on a software, but committing people and resources.” – Faculty Focus Group Participant

“Generally, revisions happen once in four years. But nowadays, we see very fast changes coming, and we have to upgrade the curriculum for courses like computer science, or information technology, or automotive technology every two years.” – Academic Leader Interviewee

The purpose of the Siemens Skills for Sustainability Network is to foster a vibrant exchange of ideas between academia and industry about how to best embed the skills that tomorrow’s engineers need for addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into engineering curriculum.

According to UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake, “With the 2030 Agenda, Member States have committed to substantially increase the number of youth who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship…They recognized that without skilled and employable young people, our chances of achieving the Goals are greatly diminished.  It is time to take that commitment seriously”.

Jennifer Bradford, Business Strategy Manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software explains more…

“This program will support the Siemens Global Academic Partner Program by opening deep channels of communication with the educators that we serve as well as the commercial enterprises who ultimately hire the students trained by these educators – Siemens commercial customers, to ensure that future-facing skills are on the learning agenda.

Success will be measured by the participation of the Network’s members in events and on-going dialogue about how industry can best support educators in embedding these skills in their curriculum.”

REGISTER HERE to join the network and find out more about upcoming opportunities.

You can also GET IN TOUCH if you have any questions or would like more information.

Sponsor: The IET




The IET inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world. We are very grateful for the IET’s continued support.

Exhibitor: Mathworks


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Exhibitor: TecQuipment


Engineering excellence in education

Practical Teaching Equipment

TecQuipment designs and manufactures market-leading engineering teaching equipment used by Universities and Colleges around the world.

Giving students at universities, colleges, schools and training centres, real life understanding to match the skills sets required for the engineering labour market.


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Watch the latest videos from TecQuipment to see how our equipment can be used.


Case Studies

We work with over 1,500 universities and colleges across more than 100 countries. Read our case studies to find out more about how they are using our equipment.



Sit back and immerse yourself in the world of engineering education with the latest blog posts from in-house experts and guest authors.

The Hammermen Award is an annual prize, presented in association with the Hammermen of Glasgow, to celebrate engineering students’ excellence. And this year you get to decide who wins.

This year’s award has received an unprecedented number of submissions and a team of experts from our hosts at UWE, Bristol longlisted 15 individuals and selected just five finalists who presented their posters during Congress.

You can view posters from the longlisted students and finalists as voted for by our Congress delegates here.

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