8th IMA Mathematical Education of Engineers



This Eighth MEE Conference will provide a full interactive one-day format covering current topics and initiatives of broad interest to the mathematical education of engineers and an (optional) informal Conference Dinner in the evening to enhance networking opportunities. This conference aims to reflect the progress and experiences of initiatives within the teaching of mathematics to engineers in recent years, to debate areas of known concern and to learn together from current best practice. The programme will include contributed papers, workshops and plenary discussions with distinguished invited speakers to highlight two areas:

i) Significant changes in pre-University mathematics. Major changes in A and AS level mathematics and new post-16 qualifications are due to take place from 2016.

Charlie Stripp, Director, National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics & Chief Executive of the charity Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI).

ii) Significant changes in the education of graduate engineers.  Engineering education has undergone a fundamental change of emphasis away from individual analysis towards team working and a systems approach promoting more active learning.  The implications for the teaching (and learning) of mathematics will be discussed.

Peter Goodhew (Emeritus Professor of Engineering, University of Liverpool and Visiting Professor in Engineering Education, University of Derby).

The organisers invite contributed papers, posters or workshop sessions (submission deadline of an Abstract is extended to 24th November 2014)

Contributed papers (20 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes discussion), posters or workshop sessions (50 minute interactive session) should be notified through submission of an Abstract (200-400 words) emailed to conferences@ima.org.uk with the label MEE included in the header.

The proceedings of this conference will be published by the IMA; papers should be of maximum length 5-6 pages and submitted by 31 January 2016 for refereeing. It is expected at least one author will present at the Conference. Selected and possibly extended papers will be considered for the IMA Journal – Teaching Mathematics and its Applications.

Conference Fees: IMA members £70; Non-members £90; IMA Member Students £40; Non-IMA Students £50. Registration will open shortly via the conference webpage (below).

Local Organising Committee: Stephen Hibberd (Nottingham University), Duncan Lawson (Newman University), Carol Robinson (Loughborough University).

Further details are available on the Conference website:

For further information or to register your interest, please contact Lizzi Lake, Conference Officer, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1EF, e-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk, tel: +44 (0) 1702 354020.

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