2013 Annual Meeting of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS)

The 2013 Annual Meeting of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) will be held June 26-28 2013 in Budapest, Hungary.

The main event will be a one-day topical symposium entitled “Innovative approaches to engineering education” on Thursday, June 27. The content of the June 27 Symposium will be the following: There will be a half-day session on recent innovations in engineering education and a half-day session on the future challenges brought by “digital natives and digital immigrants” and brain-science potential impact on education. The aim of the symposium is to introduce current innovative approaches to engineering education and to share experiences in the field of Brain-science and education (neuro-engineering). The symposium will include keynote speeches by renowned international experts, and topical presentations as well.

The final outcome of the event will be a statement addressed to politicians and decision-makers.

If you have any question please feel free to contact Mrs. Zsuzsanna Sárközi Zágoni, Foreign Secretary of HAE. (E-mail: sarkozi@mti.bme.hu  or  Phone: 36 1 463 2471)
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