1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE)


Thursday, October 31st, 2013

The 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE) will be held in Porto, Portugal on October 31st-November 1st, under the theme “Education in Engineering: Challenges for Innovation”.

Engineering Education faces global challenges that are being widely and continuously studied worldwide. The first CISPEE edition occurs in the same year the American Society for Engineering Education (founded on 1893) organizes its 120th conference, thus confirming  the importance and actuality of this area.

The SPEE – Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, founded in 2010, aims to promote engineering education through better teacher pedagogical formation and personal development; projects dissemination and participation; and collaboration between national and international experts and institutions.

CISPEE will be a key opportunity to gather – in Portugal – a number of national and international experts in the area of engineering education, under the topics of the present SPEE working groups, namely:

– Engineering Ethics;
– ICT in Engineering Education;
– Continuing Engineering Education;
– Tools to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills;
– Mathematics in Engineering Education;

A number of invited keynotes will enrich the discussion and opportunities for debate around other challenges engineering education faces today, namely:

– Accreditation and educational quality in engineering courses;
– Industry-Academia cooperation as a driving force for wealth and jobs creation;
– Promoting and disseminating science & engineering to society, through mass media.

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