EAN Congress 23: New models of delivery
Steve Bullock
2 years ago / 16152 views
As student numbers have risen, higher education has become ever more diverse, catering to a wider ranges of students and modes of study. Circumstances such as the pandemic have driven online and hybrid models. Meanwhile Government policy and skills shortages have created a market for new models of delivery. As the forefront of this innovation, NMITE, the hosts of the EAN Congress, have forged a new offer to potential Engineering students. In this panel session, their experience will be contrasted with other institutions that are breaking the mould through remote learning, microcredentials, modular, stackable courses, earn-while-you-learn models and much more.
As student numbers have risen, higher education has become ever more diverse, catering to a wider ranges of students and modes of study. Circumstances such as the pandemic have driven online and hybrid models. Meanwhile Government policy and skills shortages have created a market for new models of delivery. As the forefront of this innovation, NMITE, the hosts of the EAN Congress, have forged a new offer to potential Engineering students. In this panel session, their experience will be contrasted with other institutions that are breaking the mould through remote learning, microcredentials, modular, stackable courses, earn-while-you-learn models and much more.
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