Tackling the engineering challenges of tomorrow

The priorities for research must shift to face up to the future. Today the EPSRC is publishing a landmark report to set a new agenda for funding and direction. Dr Andy Lawrence, Joint Head of Engineering, EPSRC-UKRI, explains.


Engineers have always created and realised solutions for some of the world’s greatest problems. In the UK, Engineers have long been at the heart of technological revolutions and to this day continue to transform the way that we live our lives.

At EPSRC-UKRI, as the main UK funder of engineering research and skills, we build on our engineering heritage by investing in long-term ambitious research that tackles the big problems to provide a strong foundation for future generations of engineers.

TEC Report summary

Helping the planet and its people

Back in 2015, we invested in several Engineering Grand Challenge programmes following the inaugural Global Grand Challenge Summit in 2013, organised by the Royal Academy of Engineering. The topics of these flagship programmes represented some of the major global challenges that could be met by engineering in the years to come, such as Water for All and Future Cities.

Many of these successful funded programmes drew to a close in 2021, but it seems that our planet and its people are now facing grand challenges at an unprecedented scale, following a global pandemic and the urgency of the climate crisis becoming more apparent.

This again is where engineering researchers can step in to push the frontiers of innovation to provide creative, novel and sustainable solutions to overcome these challenges and anticipate future ones. This seemed to be an opportune moment to embark on a journey to identify and explore Tomorrow’s Engineering Research Challenges.

World-leading research community

For this initiative, we wanted to gain a credible and informed view of the most important challenges of the next 10-15 years and how engineering research can confront these.

We strongly believed that this vision needed to come from and be led by our world-leading research community. So, we were delighted to secure the influential leadership of Professor Dame Helen Atkinson, former President of the EPC, and Dr Peter Bonfield to spearhead this activity and to work with us to provide valuable experience, enthusiasm and direction to this significant community engagement exercise.

As a consequence, over the past nine months we have convened a diversity of voices in an inclusive environment to allow open, honest and challenging discussions throughout.

It is one of the largest engagements that we have managed to date, involving the major professional engineering institutions and representatives from academia and industry across career stages and disciplines. We also gained views from engineering equality, diversity and inclusion groups, international organisations and UK Government chief scientific advisors.

Ideas were received from over 300 individuals representing over 100 different universities, companies and organisations, with over 150 representatives of the UK research community directly participating in the workshops and roundtables to contribute towards this vision of the future.

The time for action

Working with Peter and Helen, we have now accumulated these contributions and converged them into three tiers of research and community challenges with clear recommendations for action:

  • High-level priorities that highlight the most pressing actions for the wider engineering community to enable researchers to address future challenges, including the need for inclusive approaches to engineering, mechanisms for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research and the promotion of diverse, agile and impactful skills.
  • Cross-cutting themes that were extracted from our engagements, where engineering and engineers have a key role to contribute across all sectors and technologies, such as achieving net zero and sustainability, faster digital design, understanding complex systems and increasing human resilience.
  • Technological challenges, derived predominantly from the series of workshops, describing ambitious challenges where novel approaches and creative engineering research will be vital to make progress across specific domains: space, transportation systems, materials, health and wellbeing, robotics and AI, responsible engineering, nature-based engineering and global engineering solutions.

Inspiration for the future

The recommendations set an important trajectory for future action. While we at EPSRC-UKRI have initiated this activity, these actions are not for us to progress alone.

We hope that those willing participants that have been involved in the process so far will continue to work with us to progress these challenges. And, we see a crucial role for representative bodies such as Engineering Professors Council in helping us to stimulate new conversations with diverse and motivated researchers from across the UK to allow the challenges to grow, evolve and shift in the future.

We are excited to publish this report that represents the visions from the UK research community. Above all, we are determined to move forward in partnership with the whole engineering ecosystem to enable UK engineering research to flourish and provide the solutions to Tomorrow’s Engineering Research Challenges.

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EPSRC-UKRI TERC Report 7/7/22

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