Subject Benchmark Review 2013-15

The subject benchmark statement for engineering was last revised in November 2010, replacing the previous version published in June 2006.  In order to ensure the continuing currency of subject benchmark statements, QAA initiates regular reviews of their content.  This review is now due and will take place between October 2013 and September 2015.  It will consist of a pilot and 3 phases.  The pilot phase began in the Spring of 2013 and QAA originally aimed to publish Engineering and Criminology, which were included in the pilot phase, in October 2013.  While Criminology has been published, we have now heard that, as a result of the Engineering Council’s UK-SPEC and AHEP review currently underway, the timing for publication of the engineering benchmark statement is being reviewed to take account of its outcome.  It is therefore now envisaged it will be ready for publication and/or consultation in March 2014.

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