Royal Academy of Engineering: Dowling Review of Business University Collaboration

Learn more about the consultation in the final report here.

Read the EPC’s response here.


A review examining how government can support the development of more effective collaborations between businesses and university researchers in the UK.

This independent review by Professor Dame Ann Dowling was announced as part of the government’s science and innovation strategy in December 2014.

The review makes recommendations on how government can:

  • support relationships between UK businesses and the UK’s world-leading university researchers by reducing complexity
  • foster and support relationships between researchers and business, particularly for smaller firms looking to innovate.

A call for evidence was circulated extensively, along with a shorter template targeted at respondents from businesses. 215 written submissions were received from a very diverse group of stakeholders. This written evidence was supplemented by events in Cardiff, Liverpool, Strathclyde and London, where Professor Dame Ann Dowling had the opportunity to hear from academics, businesspeople, and technology transfer professionals. Members of the review group, the secretariat, and Professor Dame Ann Dowling also participated in a range of meetings and discussions, including with the Confederation of British Industry’s Inter-Company Academic Relations Group (ICARG), National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB), Academy of Medical Sciences, Research Councils, Innovate UK and Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).

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