REF funding implications starting to be announced…

With the Grant letter now issued, we’re awaiting the announcements about how the quality-related research funding will be divvie’d up between institutions based on the latest REF results.

scottish_funding_council-7052_largeThe Scottish Funding Council has just announced its indicative funding decisions for the Research Excellence Grant for years 2015-16 to 2017-18.  Full details.

For England, we know that the recurrent research budget remains at £1.58 billion, but the relative quality weighting of 3* and 4* research has been amended.  HEFCE’s Board has announced that the allocation of funding will follow the percentage weightings of the individual components of the overall quality profile, with outputs accounting for 65 per cent, impact for 20 per cent and environment for 15 per cent with the relative quality weighting between 3* and 4* work changing from 3:1 to 4:1.  Institutions will receive their grant letters later this month.


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