RAEng Visiting Professors Scheme 2023: applications open

Each year the Royal Academy of Engineering provides funding to universities for visiting professors from the engineering sector to support the learning of the next generation of engineers. If you’ve not applied before – or even if you have – it’s time to get your application in for this year.

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The RAEng Visiting Professors Scheme is an industry-into-UK academia initiative that aims to utilise the experience of Visiting Professors (with backgrounds as industrialists, entrepreneurs, consultants or innovators) to enhance teaching and learning as well as the employability and skills of UK engineering degree students while strengthening external partnerships with industry.

UK universities are invited to make their applications to the scheme, which, if successful, will provide the support necessary for the attendance of the Visiting Professor at the host university for at least 12 days a year to a maximum value of £10,000 a year over three years – a maximum of £30,000 in total.

The Royal Academy of Engineering is committed to diversity and inclusion and encourages nominations and nominees from women and other groups who are currently under-represented in the Visiting Professors Scheme, as well as recognising the full breadth of engineering and its related subjects. In recent years, post-92 universities have been particularly  under-represented among those submitting applications, which has then been reflected in fewer successful applications. RAEng is especially keens to address that imbalance.

The application deadline is 6th April 2023 for Visiting Professors to start in the academic year 2023/24. However, it is advisable to prepare the application well in advance of the deadline as it involves more than one step.

Further details can be found at www.raeng.org.uk/VP

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