RAEng response to the Government Green Paper on Industrial Strategy – have your say

The Royal Academy of Engineering is gathering as much opinion and evidence from the engineering community to respond to the Industrial Strategy. There are several ways in which engineers can contribute to this response. 

By completing an online survey. You are welcome to complete any or all of the section(s) or questions in which you are interested, in the following survey (the survey closes on March 10th).

By participating in workshops. The RAEng is organising workshops in the regions and also on specific elements of the Strategy – the one on Pillar 2 “Developing skills” will take place on the morning of 16th March, at the Academy, co-chaired by Prof John Perkins and Carol Burke of Unipart. If you would like to nominate anyone for this workshop (it’s invitation only) please email industrialstrategy@raeng.org.uk and RAEng will send them invitation.

By contacting RAEng. Anyone can contact RAEng with their views via the industrialstrategy@raeng.org.uk email address. If someone would prefer a phone call, the RAEng can arrange that through the email address as well.

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