OfS Consultation on quality and standards conditions

View the consultation here.

Read the EPC’s response here.


This consultation ran from July to September 2021. OfS undertook a preliminary consultation on a range of quality and standards issues during the winter of 2020-21. The consultation brought forward some aspects of that consultation and makes more detailed proposals about new regulatory requirements.

In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, OfS paused some of its regulatory requirements while higher education providers adapted rapidly to the environment. OfS planned a phased resumption. However, OfS did not intend to reinstate its requirements exactly as before. Instead, OfS planned to draw on its experience of the last three years and target its work to ensure that it is focused where it is most needed. This revised approach will reflect the commitment OfS made in the regulatory framework that providers that do not pose specific increased risk should have less regulatory burden, now that the regulatory framework is established.

OfS undertook a preliminary consultation on a range of quality and standards issues during the winter of 2020-21. This consultation takes forward some aspects of that consultation and makes more detailed proposals about new regulatory requirements. OfS expect to take forward other aspects of the earlier consultation in due course, and this will include proposals in relation to its approach to the regulation of student outcomes.

This consultation set out the background to OfS’ proposals, the reasons OfS proposed to make changes and what OfS expected those changes to achieve. It constitutes OfS’ consultation
for the purposes of sections 5(5) and 75(8) of the Higher Education and Research Act 2017 (HERA).

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