Office for Students Strategy for 2022-25

View the consultation here.

Read the EPC’s response here.


This consultation ran from November 2021 to January 2022. OfS sought to get views on their proposed strategy for 2022-25. The consultation proposes a plan of action that will guide activities as a regulator over the next three years. It will make sure OfS are targeted, sequence our work effectively, and are able to achieve our aims and make best use of the resources we have available.

The proposals identify two areas of focus: quality and standards, and equality of opportunity. They also cover our objectives and goals for the period, how OfS intend to deliver them, and a minor addition to the regulatory framework.

The OfS published its first strategy in 2018 for the period 2018 to 2021. During this period, their main focus was on establishing the OfS as a regulator, registering over 400 universities and colleges on a level playing field for the first time, and creating the tools needed to regulate efficiently and effectively. During the next strategic period (2022 to 2025), OfS’ priority will be to seek to ensure higher education providers comply with our minimum requirements, while continuing to incentivise and shape activity that goes beyond.

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