Letter on student number controls for 2014-15

HEFCE has received a letter from the Minister for Universities and Science, requesting that it considers increasing the flexibility of recruitment in 2014-15 for institutions that show strong recruitment patterns. Ā The Government has also asked HEFCE to retain the threshold for unrestrained recruitment at ABB for 2014-15, but to look at options for extending the list of exempt high-grade qualifications.Ā  HEFCE has now opened a consultation on its proposal as for changes to the student number control arrangements for 2014-15 onwards, in particular:

  • Ā the operation of student number control (SNC) flexibility from 2014-15 onwards
  • the entry of publicly funded providers of higher education not currently in a relationship with HEFCE into the student number control system
  • changes to the high-grades policy to exempt a limited number of combinations of qualification types from the student number control.

Responses are required by 28th June, 2013.Ā  You may read the consultation document here.Ā  If you have comments you would like submitted by the EPC, please contact us.


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