Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education Degree Apprenticeships Consultation

View the consultation here.

Read the EPC’s response here.


This consultation ran from September 2021 to December 2021. The Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education looked to change its existing policies that affected the development, approval, and operation of degree apprenticeships. Although relatively technical in nature, these changes are intended to:

  1. Ensure that the Institute’s policies and processes better recognise the role that degrees and graduate status play in the labour market;
  2. Provide a comprehensive development and approval framework for the creation and revision of degree apprenticeships; and
  3. Ensure that degree apprenticeships are a distinctive offer that secures the best of apprenticeships and the best of higher education.

Overall, the Institute believes this will enable degree apprenticeships to better support the skills ambitions of employers, individuals, and the nation.

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