Funding opportunities

For HEIs/academic staff

30 November, 2012

Higher education’s contribution to economic growth: Invitation to submit expressions of interest for funding through the Catalyst Fund.  Deadline 24 January 2013.  See

For UG students

Institution of Mechanical Engineering awards

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers provides a number of awards each year to support undergraduate mechanical engineering students through their studies.

To find out more about eligibility for an award or to apply online, please visit

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Awards

Undergraduate scholarships and grants

The IET offers a range of scholarships of up to £3000 per annum to students about to commence an IET accredited degree programme in the UK.

 Starting university in Autumn 2013

Students can apply for an IET scholarship worth £1000 per annum if they are a UK resident, plan to commence an IET accredited MEng or BEng degree course in the UK and expect to achieve either:

  • 3 ‘A’ grades at A-levels or
  • 3 ‘A’ grade Advanced Highers or
  • 5 ‘A’ grade Highers

Applicants who achieve the above results will be awarded a Diamond Jubilee scholarship of £1000 per year for the duration of their studies, up to a maximum of £3000 for BEng students and £4000 for MEng students (subject to satisfactory annual tutor reports).

A few of the highest achieving applicants will be selected for interview by the Scholarships Committee who will decide the recipients of the Belling Engineering Scholarship and BP/Faraday Scholarship (both worth £3000 per annum for the duration of their studies and subject to satisfactory annual tutor reports).

The deadline for applications is 27 June 2013, 17:00 GMT.

Commencing a second, third or final year of university in Autumn 2013

If a student will be commencing the second, third or final year of an IET accredited degree course in Autumn 2013 and expect to obtain 60 per cent or more (ie a 2.i or above) in their end of year exams, they can apply for an IET grant. The deadline for applications is 27 June 2013 at 17:00 BST. To apply for an IET Grant it’s necessary to complete the online application form.

Land Rover and WISE launch scholarship to support female engineeers

jaguar-land-roverLand Rover, in collaboration with UK charity WISE, has announced a new scholarship programme to enable young women to pursue a career in engineering.  The Range Rover Evoque WISE Scholarship will provide a £9,000 bursary to three female students or apprentices who would like to explore a career or further studies in engineering. In addition the winners will be provided with mentoring support from both Land Rover senior engineers and WISE representatives.  For more information, click here.

For PG students

Institution of Mechanical Engineering Awards

The postgraduate fund offers assistance to graduates wishing to undertake postgraduate study or research.  It also offers support to members wishing to embark on world-wide projects addressing Third World and environmental issues.

To find out more about eligibility for an award or to apply online, please visit

Royal Aeronautical Society logo

Offering tuition fee bursaries, this scheme from the Royal Aeronautical Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering invites applications from home students who can secure a place on an eligible MSc programme. The aim is to boost the supply of skilled professionals to the sector, helping UK aerospace maintain and consolidate its leading position globally. Jointly funded by Government and a partnership of 9 major aerospace employers, 500 bursaries will be awarded over the next 3 years. Details of the scheme and how to apply are at, together with the full list of eligible MSc programmes.  The list includes all aerospace engineering and related MScs which are accredited as further learning for CEng. It also includes many others nominated by Partner firms. Candidates wishing to study an MSc programme not on the list will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The main criterion for the award of a bursary will be the candidate’s motivation and commitment to a career in UK aerospace.

Applications will be considered in the order in which they are received and the competition will close once each year’s quota is reached. Candidates should therefore be encouraged to apply without delay. They need not yet be holding the offer of an MSc place.  Please contact if you have any queries on this. Candidates’ queries should be directed to


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