REF 2021 full EPC member consultation

The UK’s HE funding bodies have set out detailed arrangements for REF 2021 and are seeking views from subject communities on the draft Panel criteria publication developed by the REF expert panels.

They are also calling for responses on key aspects of the Guidance on submissions publication, which they have developed with advice from the expert panels, including the equality and diversity, and interdisciplinary research advisory panels.

The EPC is running a full consultation on this important opportunity to provide feedback. Please complete our survey to share your views. The documents are available on the REF website.

This is a somewhat technical consultation in parts, but the detail has enormous repercussions for all of us working in research (or in universities more generally) and, when a consultation is as detailed as this, it means there’s a real opportunity to influence the small things that make a big difference. You can answer the questions quickly in about ten minutes, but to do it thoroughly is likely to take about half an hour and there’s no upper limit if you want to provide full feedback. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to make a difference to this important consultation.

Please complete our survey to share your views. Deadline for responses is 28 September.

If you find the survey format doesn’t give you the opportunities to express your views in the way you want, please feel free to email your thoughts to the EPC Executive.

Please note that there are funding councils led consultation events for individuals from higher education institutions on:

  • 14 September: Edinburgh
  • 20 September: London
  • 26 September: Leeds

Venue details will be provided in due course.

Registration is now open to individuals from higher education institutions with an interest in the conduct, quality, funding or use of research but places are limited to a maximum of two participants per institution. You can register by Wednesday 5 September: 

There will also be additional events for specific groups during the consultation period. Booking information will be available on the REF website.

  • Equality and diversity
  • Research users
  • Institutions new to the REF

There are also webinars planned with each of the main panel chairs. Main panel B is on 11th September (pm). Booking details aren’t available yet but will be posted here.

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